Gutland / Gotland, The History of Gutland




In this article, the author argues that the Gotlandic hilltop complex, Herrgårdsklint,
should be viewed as a fortiied hill-site (Sw. befäst höjdbosättning). This phenomenon
occured mainly on the East Middle Swedish mainland, where the fortiied hill-sites were
constructed by the late Early Iron Age period (AD 0–550) élite. The complex comprises
a 120 metre long and 2.5 metres high dry-stone wall of limestone built on a large cliff
and encloses an area of c. 1.5 ha, in which several signiicant house foundations of
limestone are visible even today. It was once given the antiquarian designation “clifffort”
(Sw. klintborg), a term which has contributed to a rather simplistic approach
from scholars. In past archaeological research, Herrgårdsklint, with the rest of the
constructions categorized as cliff-forts, has often been seen merely as a “temporary
refuge in times of unrest.” This perception has been challenged, however, by a new
approach that puts Herrgårdsklint in the spotlight of eastern Gotland during the Roman
Iron Age/Migration Period. A recently initiated project, which aims to remedy the weak
empirical situation regarding the diverse Gotlandic cliff-forts, has carried out new
analyses of the pottery and animal bone material found in a 1940s excavation of a
couple of the house foundations. Together with the observation of the architecturally
advanced stone wall’s entrance construction (which the author suggests is an imitation
of a clavicula-entrance of a sort used by the Imperial Roman army), the results indicate
that Herrgårdsklint should be viewed as a strongly fortiied permanent/semi-permanent
settlement, which controlled a large hinterland that specialized in beef production and
shows signs of close connections to R oman ideas.
288 Runsa Borg – Representative Life on a Migration Period Hilltop Site
Herrgårdsklint revisited: a fortiied hill-site on Gotland


Situated on a remote clif in the eastern part of
the Baltic island of Gotland, a hilltop complex
built sometime during the late Early Iron Age
(AD 0–550) commands a view over what is
today a great woodland territory (ig. 2). An area
of c. 1.5 ha is enclosed by vertical precipices up
to 15 metres steep in the north, east and west,
as well as a 120 metre-long and 2.5 metre-high
transverse dry-stone wall in the south (igs. 1 and
8). Within this area, the remains of a number
of substantial stone-house foundations, similar
to those of the late Early Iron Age landscapes
of the rest of Gotland and the adjacent island,
Öland, are visible even today. his complex
is known as Herrgårdsklint (en. Clif of the
manor) and was once given the antiquarian

designation “clif-fort” (Sw. klintborg), a term
which will be shown to be anything but simple,
and seems to have been somewhat forgotten by
archaeologists. he following article is based
on results obtained from a recently initiated
archaeological project1, the aim of which is to
remedy the weak empirical situation and create
a more nuanced image of the diverse Gotlandic
clif-forts2. Below, I will argue that there
are several indications that Herrgårdsklint
might constitute a fortiied hill-site (Sw. befäst
höjdbosättning); a phenomenon that has
recently attracted archaeological attention,
formerly being mainly known, in Scandinavian
research, on the East Middle Swedish mainland.
If so, this hilltop complex would have been
central to the Gotlandic Early Iron Age élite.
Before a discussion of Herrgårdsklint in the
centuries following A.D. can begin, however, a
brief review of past research focuses within the
discourse, as well as a study of the terminology,
is necessary.


To deconstruct a cliff-fort
Traditionally, Gotland’s hill-forts have
been divided into three subgroups; clifforts
(Sw. klintborgar), lat ground-forts (Sw.
latmarksborgar) and bog-forts (Sw. myrborgar)
(Stenberger 1940a: 66). he irst subgroup
consists of remains which can be described as
the general idea of how a hill-fort is supposed
to be; great stone walls erected on an elevated
position which together completely enclose
an area (e.g. Torsburgen). But such an old
term also conceals constructions which are
made up of nothing more than a single row
of stones which seems to encircle a clif or a
hilltop in an almost symbolic way (e.g. Lärbro
RAÄ 17). Since few of the Gotlandic hill-forts

have been archaeologically excavated, the idea
that topographic and geographic location is
synonymous with function and dating has been
popular in modern archaeological research
(e.g. Cassel 1998, 2008). Furthermore, the
sheer absence of clif-forts afected by large
contract archaeological projects, usually the
result of the often extensive empirical data
associated with the types of investigations that
also serve as a catalyst for continued research
interest (Olausson 1995), simply do not exist.
his lack of empirical data might be one
factor contributing to why traditional ideas
concerning the clif-forts have been, for the
most part, unchallenged.
here have been two main ields of research
interest within the discourse. For the majority
of the 1900s, interpretations of the so-called

forts were dominated by expositions
of military strategies and various sorts of
fortiication, as a rule often combined with
accounts of the supposed unrest during
Roman Iron Age/Migration Period (e.g.
Nihlén and Boëthius 1933, Stenberger 1945;
1964, Lundström 1955, Manneke 1979,
Engström 1984). It was not until the 1990s
and early 2000s, as postmodern theories
began to inluence archaeological studies, that
alternative interpretations started to dispute the
“clif-fort as strictly a fort” paradigm. Instead
of accentuating the military aspects of the
constructions, they came to advocate an
understanding based on more symbolic
premises of the monuments. hus, the mental
and ritual nature of the clif-forts became the
focal point (e.g. Cassel 1998, 2008; Hegardt
1991a, 1991b; Swedish mainland material: see

Johansen 1997, Carlsson 2001, 2005, Wall
2003). Although these studies can be described
as a breath of fresh air in a ield of research
which, with few exceptions (e.g. Olausson
1995), can be described as stagnant for quite
some time, they had a tendency to theorize
outside the framework of the empirical data,
which, although meagre, nevertheless existed.
As I have previously shown, (Bornfalk-Back
2011) there are great variations within the
long-assumed homogeneous category of
“clif-fort”, and all attempts to come up with
a general explanation of these 28 Gotlandic
hilltop monuments have been fairly hopeless,

regardless of the theoretical approach (ig. 3).
Evidently, it is the generally weak empirical
knowledge that has contributed to these rather
one-dimensional attitudes towards the hilltop
sites. As a necessary start to a newly aware
discourse, then, it is critical to appreciate the
fact that within the antiquarian term “clif-fort”
(and indeed “hill-fort”!), there are a number
of diverse remains with various functions and
various dating (Bornfalk-Back 2011).
With this discussion in mind, the very
term clif-fort must be said to be poor as it
linguistically implies a construction associated
with fortiication and war, which might be true
for some of the remains, but far from all. I hope
to return with a more thorough terminological
discussion within the hill-fort ield elsewhere
and thus will here conine myself to the
suggestion that the most suitable term for
Herrgårdsklint is, for the moment, fortiied
hill-site, a descriptively acceptable term which
has been used for a special kind of defendable
aristocratic hilltop settlement from the late
Early Iron Age in the East Middle Swedish
mainland (see below).


Herrgårdsklint in previous
archaeological research
he stone wall and house foundations on the
clif are presently one of a kind on Gotland,
and the remains were noticed early by
antiquarians. he Swedish cultural historian
C.G.G. Hilfeling (1740–1823) paid a visit to
Herrgårdsklint in the 1790s and in addition to
documenting the dimensions of the remains,
he also suggested that the hilltop complex was
probably a place of refuge in times of unrest
(Hilfeling 1994: 236–7). he next visit nearly

80 years later, however, can be described as the
true birth of modern Swedish archaeological
hill-fort discourse. he archaeologist Fredrik
Nordin (1852–1920) not only described
Herrgårdklint and other clif-forts, but also
divided them into subgroups which resulted
in the publication Om Gotlands fornborgar
(1881). He visited Herrgårdsklint twice and
the eminent scholar stated that, based on the
substantial house foundations, the hilltop
complex was erected “not merely for the
moment” (Nordin 1881: 32).
Two minor archaeological excavations have
been carried out at Herrgårdsklint. In 1940,
the Swedish archaeologist Mårten Stenberger
excavated what turned out to be two of the
at least six stone house foundations (ig. 4),
whose wall dimensions (up to 1.75 metres in
width and a current height of up to 0.80 m)
appeared to be similar to those of other late
Early Iron Age house foundations across the
island, most of which date to AD 200–600
(Stenberger 1940b; Burenhult 1999:224).
Aside from two larger hearths, about 1500
sherds of plain Early Iron Age period pottery
and more than 18 kg of animal bone material
were found (Stenberger 1940b). A bridle,
probably from later re-use of the site, was
also found and could be dated to late Iron
Age (Biörnstad 1955: 949). In the beginning
of the 1980s, a smaller trench was put right
where the wall would have continued in the
south if it were not for modern removal of
stone for building material. he wall proved
to be constructed mostly of limestone, but no
datable artefacts were found (Engström 1982:
172, 1984:3).


Surprisingly little has been written about
Herrgårdsklint over the years, and I would argue
that what has been printed is not satisfactory,
but rather has had a tendency to simplify this
unique monument. For instance, the long widespread
idea that the Gotlandic clif-forts
were impermanent in character contributed to
the demotion of the at least six massive stone
house foundations to the status of simple wind
breakers (Biörnstad 1955: 916). his naturally
made the site less exciting to researchers overall.
Also, no one has ever studied Herrgårdsklint
from a local viewpoint, but rather as a mere
member of the artiicially constructed “cliffort
mass” (e.g. Cassel 1998: 132, 144; 2008:
90–93) or as a secondary element to other
archaeological phenomenon; e.g. part of a lank
defence to the gigantic hill-fort Torsburgen
(Engström 1984: 106). I would like to suggest
that a new approach that puts Herrgårdsklint
in the spotlight of eastern Gotland during late
Early Iron Age might bring together the site not
only with the surrounding landscape, but also
with the East Middle Swedish mainland.

A brief glance at
the Swedish mainland, and beyond…
As mentioned above, it is necessary to recognize
the diferences among constructions within
the “clif-fort mass”, and in the term fortiied
hill-site there are some speciic characteristics
which can be mentioned here. hese hilltop
complexes are all heavily defended by great
walls and inside the enclosure there are
buildings which were permanently inhabited.
It seems, at least in East Middle Sweden, that
these sites were established sometime during
the later part of the Early Iron Age (c. AD
200–550), though the precise nature of the sites,

as well as their relation to the surrounding
settlements, is still debatable. Although few
have been archaeologically excavated, there
are some constructions almost exclusively in
the East Middle Swedish mainland which
have been identiied as fortiied hill-sites,
which include sites around Mälaren (e.g.
Runsa, Darsgärde, Broborg), Södertörn (e.g.
Fållnäs) and Östergötland (e.g. Gullborg,
Boberget). One must keep in mind that even
if these constructions should be viewed as élite
residences, their function within society need
not have been identical in all matters (Olausson
2011a: 19).
Runsa borg is a very well fortiied hill-site in
Uppland, slightly north of Stockholm, and
through extensive excavations an aristocratic
milieu has been exposed with a hall building
and areas of handcraft, e.g. bronze casting, with
inds of, for instance, fragments of glass with
possible provincial Roman origin (Olausson
2011a, 2011b, 2009, 1996). he animal bone
material indicates luxury consumption and
since during the centuries following AD Runsa
borg was situated on a small island divided
from the mainland by a narrow inlet, the hillsite
was dependent on the control of a large
agrarian hinterland for goods and supplies
(Risberg 2011; Olausson 2011b: 237–8).
In the province of Östergötland, the existence
of fortiied hill-sites has also been recognized.
For instance, within the 350 metre-long and up
to 15 metre-wide dry-stone wall in Borgberget,
Kimstad parish, two substantial stone house
foundations have been observed. During a
minor excavation in the 1960s, inds such
as spindle whorls, whetstone and pots

herds date the remains to the late Early Iron Age
(Lindahl 1963). Another illustrative example
from Östergötland is the site Gullborg. Just
as at Runsa borg, extraordinary inds such as
an imported beaker from the Black Sea area
and a Roman glass bottle indicate a upper
class environment (Nordén 1938: 280–284;
Nielsen 1996: 87 with ref.). he occurrence
of imported Roman/Continental artefacts in
settings similar to Herrgårdsklint might be a
critical observation for the understanding of
the Gotlandic hill-site, which so far has no high
status inds.
At last, a region that would be exceptionally
exciting to study within the discourse is the
eastern part of the Baltic Sea area. If fortiied
hill-sites such as the ones recognized in East
Middle Sweden and now Gotland can be
identiied in this area, a whole new dimension
to the study of these remarkable remains would
be gained.

A revisit to Herrgårdsklint
A crucial task of the study of Herrgårdsklint
must, at this stage, be more precise dating. Until
new archaeological excavations are carried out,
the pottery inds from the 1940s excavation are
the only material available. However, it seems
to be diicult to get a speciic dating, other than
late Early Iron Age, from the plain fragmental
pieces (Stenberger 1955: 1173; Biörnstad 1955:
949). Still, other aspects are able to be clariied
by a new pottery analysis, since the original
one merely established the simple nature of
the sherds. Vessels for storage, preparations as
well as serving could be identiied among the
material. Several of the identiied lower parts
of the pots show evidence of an open angle 

which would have been suitable for food,
which, in contrast to vessels used for storage
alone, were to be visualized and consumed
at once (Eriksson 2009: 160). Also, based on
reconstructions of the mouth diameter, several
pots had the mouth measurements of 25 cm,
and hence might have had the potential to
accommodate up to 20 litres of luid (Eriksson
2009: 83). he smaller pots should most likely be
understood as vessels used in food preparation.
Since there are indications that these fortiied
hill-sites were rather short lived, perhaps as
brief as only 3–4 generations as Runsa borg
(Olausson 2011b: 239), the total amount of
pottery (1500 sherds/c. 7 kg) combined with
the total amount of bone material (c. 18 kg)
found in the two houses suggest quite intensive
activity at Herrgårdsklint compared to the
material found in similar house foundations
on Gotland (e.g. Lundberg 1937, Stenberger
[ed.] 1955a: 100–254; 1955b: 863–976). hus,
based on the pottery, the overall picture must
at present be said to indicate that everyday
domestic chores such as cooking, serving and
the storage of food dominated these buildings,

which, based on the quantity, should be viewed
as intensely inhabited.
The animals from Herrgårdsklint
Osteologist Lisa Hartzell’s project performed a
thorough analysis of the animal bone material
found in two of the house foundations. he
majority of the material consists of an equal
amount of cattle, sheep and goat inds, with
single inds of horse and dog. he most striking
result was that while the bones of the sheep
and goats were consistent with the meat-rich
parts of the animals, as well as the waste, the
cattle bones found were 99 % waste material
(Bornfalk-Back 2013). his suggests that the
sheep and goats were slaughtered and consumed
at the site while the cattle was slaughtered and
dismembered at Herrgårdsklint, but then
consumed elsewhere. Where the consumption
took place is, of course, a central question.
Was the beef transported to a nearby location
for consumption or was it sold or traded
and, if so, to where and to whom? Another
important aspect to consider: the bone
material might give greater insight into the
question of the permanence of the settlement
at Herrgårdsklint. Based on the fragmentary,
yet rather large, animal bone material, a
cautious conclusion is that the site was perhaps
at least seasonally inhabited, since it would
seem that people found it meaningful to bring
cattle to the site with the intent of engaging in
specialized beef production.
To locate areas of more intense activity at
Herrgårdsklint a soil phosphate analysis
(citronsyrametoden) was carry out on the
site (Bornfalk Back 2013). East and south
of the house foundations no or extremely

thin soil layer prevented the sampling, which
concentrated to the northern parts of the
clif. he elevated values of the soil phosphate
sampling indicate activity in three places
within the sampling area . Obviously,
to clarify the nature of activity archaeological
excavations are necessary.
The Roman inluences
It is clear that people from what is today East
Middle Sweden interacted, to various degrees,
with the Roman Empire during the early
centuries AD. hrough trade and service within
the Roman military apparatus, ighting against
Roman troops, and indirect contact via non-
Roman people living close to Limes, new ideas
and artefacts found their way to Scandinavia
(e.g. Andersson 1991; Axboe 1991; Jørgensen et
al [red] 2003; Kalif and Sundqvist 2004). For
Gotland’s part, inds of Roman glass, solidi,
gold bracteates, as well as a recently recovered
Roman oicer’s parade mask dating to the
later part of 200 AD (Widerström 2012: 31)
tell us of intense contact between members of
the élite of the island and the Roman Empire.
Although there is an absence, at the moment,
of high status inds related to the settlement
on the clif, it is possible to distinguish other
features, which suggests that the architect of
Herrgårdsklint was an individual of means and,
for the region, a unique know-how. Bearing the
discussion of Roman connections in mind, the
best way to understand the extensive entrance
construction of the only opening to the stone
wall of Herrgårdsklint might be through the
“home-comer’s perspective”. he unusual
construction is made up of a curved wall section
continuing from the main wall of the eastern
part of the more than three metre-wide entrywith an opening in the west  his once
dry-stone structure seems to have had the same
dimensions as the sections of the main wall (c.
4 metres wide), and a rectangular open space.
I would like to suggest that this architectural
construction indicates that the architects of
Herrgårdsklint were quite familiar with the
engineering methods used by the Imperial
Roman army.
he Roman castra (marching camps) were a
central part of the invasion tactic, and although
they could vary in size and layout, they were
all strongly fortiied, sometimes, especially
during the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D., with a
sort of defendable entrance construction called
clavicula (Johnson 1983: 50; Frere 1987: 211).
A clavicula was an arched extension of the defensive rampart and could be either external
or internal (ig. 7). he idea was to prohibit a
direct frontal assault at the gate by forcing the
enemy through a sideway where they were thus
more exposed to the defenders. It can also be
mentioned as a proof of its eiciency that this
defensive construction was utilized by the later
Byzantine army. It was not only described by
the emperor Maurices (A.D. 582–602) in his
Strategikon (trans. Dennis 1984: 164), but also
recommended by Byzantine military leaders
as late as in the tenth century A.D., as can be
seen in contemporary military texts (trans.
Dennis 1985: 251, 257–260). It is obvious that
the entrance construction at Herrgårdsklint
displays remarkable similarities to a Roman
clavicula in layout, and I would argue that
this particular defensive structure could only
be built with the help of the advanced level
of expertise that could only be provided by
a Germanic soldier returning from years of
service in the Roman military apparatus.
Previous discussions (Herschend 1985) of
constructional details of the entrances to the
Eketorp ring-fort on the island of Öland have
pointed towards Roman examples. Although
these ring-forts, which more or less can be
described as fortiied villages, and the fortiied
hill-sites are two separate phenomena, they
were in part contemporary with each other and
a cautious comparison is motivated. However,
it is crucial to emphasize that Herrgårdsklint
should not be viewed as an attempt to imitate a
castra in either function or design, nor should
one necessarily see the defendable nature of the
entrance construction as the key motivation.
Essential, I would say, is the Roman aspect:
by demonstrating a unique knowledge in
fortiication techniques obtained from thecontinent, additional prestige was gained,
justifying the lord of the clif’s position in the
social hierarchy.

Herrgårdsklint was built on a remote clif
relatively far from other Early Iron Age
settlement, with no cultivated land nearby
(ig. 2), and thus a signiicant question is:
why? At this stage, any ideas on the matter
must be described as speculative, but one
thought worth mentioning is the importance
of Herrgårdsklint potentially superb location
from a communicative standpoint. Since the
new results indicate that Herrgårdsklint was at
least semi-permanently inhabited, the people
living on the clif were dependent on a steady
supply of food and other goods from elsewhere,
much like Runsa Borg (see above). his, in
turn, implies that a large hinterland must have
been under the control of the residents of the
clif to secure this provision. Herrgårdsklint
is today situated only 5 km from Gotland’s
eastern coast, where good locations of Iron Age
ports have been discussed (Engström 1984:
99–103). Since a large part of Gotland’s lakes
and rivers were drained during the 1800s and
early 1900s for agricultural purposes, a possible
explanation worth studying is the occurrence
of now vanished navigable waterways. If these
were to connect Herrgårdsklint with the coast,
and a potential port, it would not have been
diicult to provide the site with both foodstuf
and commodities.

Future questions
Although the initiation of this project has
proven to be a productive irst step in the task of
generating a more solid empirical foundation,
as well as challenging traditional ideas withrespect to Gotlandic clif-forts, it has merely
scratched the surface. A central future task is to
obtain a more precise dating of Herrgårdsklint
and its phases. his can only be achieved by way
of new archaeological excavations. Questions
concerning precise time of establishment,
abandonment, re-use, relation to other
contemporary settlements in the area, the exact
nature of dwelling (permanent/seasonal use)
etc. can only be answered via such excavations.
From a local viewpoint, an exciting thought
is whether Herrgårdsklint is the only hill-site

on Gotland, and, if this is the case,
what does this mean for the island as a whole
during late Early Iron Age? In addition, the
relation between Herrgårdsklint and other
fortiied hill-sites on the Swedish mainland is
an interesting matter for future study. Also, if
fortiied hill-sites were to be identiied in the
adjacent eastern Baltic, it would be a crucial
task to study the relationship between areas
with the same aristocratic tradition.

Many thanks to homas Eriksson (SHM) for
making the pottery material available.

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Chief among the nobles of Haakon the Good, of Norway, was Earl Sigurd of Hlade; and first among those who followed him was Earl Haakon, Sigurd’s son. After the death of Haakon the Good, the sons of Gunhild became the masters of Norway, where they ruled like tyrants, murdering Sigurd, whom they most feared. This made the young Earl Haakon their bitter foe.

A young man then, of twenty-five, handsome, able in mind and body, kindly in disposition, and a daring warrior, he was just the man to contend with the tyrant murderers. When he was born Haakon the Good had poured water on his head and named him after himself and he was destined to live to the level of the honor thus given him.

It is not our purpose to tell how, with the aid of the king of Denmark, he drove the sons of Gunhild from the realm, and how, as the sagas tell, the wicked old queen was enticed to Denmark by the king, under promise of marriage, and by his orders was drowned in a swamp. Her powers of sorcery did not avail her then, if this story is true.

Haakon ruled Norway as a vassal of Harald Bluetooth, king of Denmark, to whom he agreed to pay tribute. He also consented to be baptized as a Christian and to introduce the Christian faith into Norway. But a heathen at heart and a Norseman in spirit, he did not intend to keep this promise. After a meeting with the Danish king in which his baptism took place, he sailed for his native land with his ship well laden with priests. But the heathen in him now broke out. With bold disdain of King Harald, he put the priests on shore, and sought to counteract the effect of his baptism by a great feast to the old gods, praying for their favor and their aid in the war that was sure to follow. He looked for an omen, and it came in the shape of two ravens, which followed his ships with loud clucking cries. These were the birds sacred to Odin and he hailed their coming with delight. The great deity of the Norsemen seemed to promise him favor and success.

Turning against the king to whom he had promised to act as a vassal, he savagely ravaged the Danish coast lands. Then he landed on the shores of Sweden, burnt his ships, and left a track of fire and blood as he marched through that land. Even Viken, a province of Norway, was devastated by him, on the plea of its being under a Danish ruler. Then, having done his utmost to show defiance to Denmark and its king, he marched northward to Drontheim, where he ruled like a king, though still styling himself Earl Haakon.

Harald Bluetooth was not the man to be defied with impunity, and though he was too old to take the field himself, he sought means to punish his defiant vassal. Men were to be had ready and able to fight, if the prize offered them was worth the risk, and men of this kind Harald knew where to seek.

[Illustration] from Historical Tales - Scandinavian by Charles Morris


In the town of Jomsborg, on the island of Wollin, near the mouth of the Oder, dwelt a daring band of piratical warriors known as the Jomsvikings, who were famed for their indomitable courage. War was their trade, rapine their means of livelihood, and they were sworn to obey the orders of their chief, to aid each other to the utmost, to bear pain unflinchingly, dare the extremity of danger, and face death like heroes. They kept all women out of their community, lest their devotion to war might be weakened, and stood ready to sell their swords to the highest bidder.

To this band of plunderers Harald appealed and found them ready for the task. Their chief, Earl Sigvalde, brought together a great host of warriors at a funeral feast to his father, and there, while ale and mead flowed abundantly, he vowed, flagon in hand, that he would drive Earl Haakon from the Norse realm or perish in the attempt. His viking followers joined him in the vow. The strong liquor was in their veins and there was no enterprise they were not ready to undertake. When their sober senses returned with the next morning, they measured better the weight of the enterprise; but they had sworn to it and were not the men to retreat from a vow they had taken.

Erik, an unruly son of Earl Haakon, had fled from his father’s court in disgrace and was now in Viken, and here the rumor of the vikings’ oath reached his ears. At once, forgetting his quarrel with his father, he hastened north with all the men he could gather to Earl Haakon’s aid, preceding the Jomsvikings, who were sailing slowly up the shores of Norway, plundering as they went in their usual fashion. They had a fleet of sixty ships and a force of over seven thousand well-trained warriors. Haakon, warned by his son, met them with three times their number of ships, though these were smaller and lighter craft. On board were about ten thousand men. Such were the forces that met in what the sagas call the greatest battle that had ever been fought in Norway.

Soon the embattled ships met and the conflict grew fast and furious, hurtling weapons filling the air and men falling on all sides. Great was the carnage and blood flowed in streams on the fighting ships. Earl Haakon stood in the prow of his ship in the heat of the fight, arrows and spears whirling around him in such numbers that his shirt of mail became so torn and rent that he threw it off as useless. The high ships of the vikings gave them an advantage which told heavily against their antagonists, spears and arrows being poured down from their sides.

In the height of the battle Earl Haakon disappeared. As the legends tell he went ashore with his youngest son Erling, whom he sacrificed to the heathen gods to win their aid in the battle. Hardly had he done this deed of blood when a dense black cloud arose and a violent hail-storm broke over the ships, the hail-stones weighing each two ounces and beating so fiercely in the faces of the Jomsvikings as nearly to blind them. Some say that the Valkyries, the daughters of Odin, were seen in the prow of the earl’s ship, filling the air with their death-dealing arrows.

Despite the storm and the supernatural terrors that they conjured up, the Jomsvikings continued to fight, though their decks were slippery with blood and melting hail. Only one coward appeared among them, their chief Earl Sigvalde, who suddenly turned his ship and fled. When Vagn Aakesson, the most daring of the Jomsvikings, saw this recreant act he was frantic with rage.

“You ill-born hound,” he cried, “why do you fly and leave your men in the lurch? Shame on you, and may shame cling to you to your death!”

A spear hurtled from his hand and pierced the man at the helm, where Sigvalde had stood a moment before. But the ship of the dastard earl kept on and a general panic succeeded, all the ships in the fleeing earl’s line following his standard. Only Vagn Aakesson and Bue the Big were left to keep up the fight.

Yet they kept it up in a way to win them fame. When Earl Haakon’s ship drew up beside that of Bue, two of the viking champions, Haavard the Hewer and Aslak Rock-skull, leaped on deck and made terrible havoc. In the end an Icelander picked up an anvil that was used to sharpen their spears and hurled it at Aslak, splitting his skull, while Haavard had both legs cut off. Yet the indomitable viking fought on, standing on his knees.

The onset of the Jomsvikings was so terrific in this last fierce fight that the earl’s men gave back, and might have been all slain had not his son Erik boarded Bue’s ship at this crisis and made an irresistible charge. A terrible cut across the face severed Bue’s nose.

“Now,” he cried, “the Danish maidens will kiss me no more.”

Seeing that all was at an end, he seized two chests of gold to prevent their capture by the victors, and sprang with them into the sea, shouting:

“Overboard all Bue’s men!”

On Vagn’s ship a similar fierce fight was taking place, ending only when all but thirty of the vikings were slain.

Then a savage scene was enacted, one worthy only of those barbarous times. The captives were taken ashore and seated on a long log, their feet bound, their hands free. At the funeral feast in Sigvalde’s hall Vagn had boasted that he would kill Thorkill Laiva, one of Erik’s chief warriors, and this threatened man was now chosen as executioner.

At the captives he rushed, with uplifted axe, and savagely struck off their heads, one after another. Vagn was to be left to the last, that he might suffer from fear, but instead of this he sat joking and laughing with his men. One of them sang and laughed so loudly that Erik asked him if he would like to live.

“That depends on who it is that asks me.”

“He who offers has the power to grant. I am Earl Erik.”

“Then I gladly accept.”

Another made a pun which so pleased the earl that he, too, was set free.

One of the captives had long, beautiful hair, and as Thorkill came near him on his bloody errand he twisted his hair into a coil and asked the executioner not to soil it with his blood. To humor him Thorkill asked one of the bystanders to hold the coil while he struck. The man did so, but as the axe came down the captive jerked his head aside so that the axe fell on the wrists of the coil-holder, both his hands being cut off.

“Some of the Jomsvikings are still alive,” laughed the captive.

“Who are you?” asked Erik.

“I am said to be a son of Bue.”

“Do you wish to live?”

“What other choice have I?”

At Erik’s command he, too, was released.

Angry at being thus robbed of his prey, Thorkill now sprang towards Vagn, determined that at least his special enemy should fall. As he came near, however, one of the men on the log threw himself forward in such a way that Thorkill stumbled over him and dropped his axe. In an instant Vagn was on his feet, seized the axe, and dealt Thorkill a deadly blow. His boast was kept; Thorkill had fallen by his hand.

Erik saw the bold feat with such admiration that he ordered Vagn to be freed, and the prisoners who remained alive were also set free at his order.

While this was going on Earl Haakon sat apart conversing with his chieftains. As they did so they heard a bow-string twang, and before a hand could be raised a keen-pointed arrow pierced the body of Gissur the White, one of the chiefs, and he fell over dead. The arrow had come from the ship of Bue the Big, and thither men ran in haste. What they saw was Haavard the Hewer, still standing on his knees, though his blood flowed freely.

“Tell me,” he cried, “did any one fall at the tree yonder?”

“Yes; Gissur the White.”

“Then luck failed me, for that arrow was aimed for Earl Haakon.”

And he fell over on the deck, with death at his heart-strings. The viking had sent a herald on before, to announce his coming at Odin’s court.

It was Haakon who had ordered the murder of the captives, and Erik his son who gave life to so many of them. The time was near at hand when the earl was to meet the bloody fate which he had dealt out to others. Though Erik had done so much to help him in the battle, he was furious with his son for sparing the life of Vagn Aakesson. As a result they parted in anger, Erik going south again. Here Vagn joined him and from that day forward the two were warm friends and comrades.

But Haakon fell into ways of vice as he grew older, and at length he did a deed that led him to a shameful death. He had his men bring by force to his palace the wife of a rich peasant, and sent them for another, who was famed for her beauty. Orm, her husband, refused to let her go and sent news of the outrage to all the peasants in the valley. From farm to farm flew the tidings, and the peasants, furious at the shameful deeds of the earl, seized their arms and gathered in a great band, which marched upon him at Medalhus.

Earl Haakon was taken by surprise. He had not dreamed of a revolt and only a few men were with him. These he dismissed and fled for safety, only one man, his old servant Kark, going with him. Reaching the Gaul River in his flight, he rode his horse into a deep hole and left his cloak on the ice, so that his pursuers, finding the dead horse and the cloak, might think he was drowned.

From there he sought the nearby home of Thora of Rimul, a faithful woman friend, told her of the hot pursuit and begged her to hide him from his furious enemies. The only hiding place she could provide was a deep ditch under her pig-sty, and in this filthy hole the great earl was hidden, with food, candles, and bedding. Then boards were laid over the ditch and covered with earth and upon this the pigs were driven.

To Rimul the peasants soon came, filled with fury, and with them came a man of note who had just landed and was seeking to win the throne. This was Olaf, a great-grandson of Harold the Fair-Haired, whose claim to the crown of Norway was far better than that of Haakon. Thinking that Thora had hidden the fleeing earl the pursuers searched the whole place. The fugitive not being found, Olaf stood on a large stone near the pig-sty and called the peasants around him, loudly announcing that any man who should find and slay Earl Haakon would be given a large reward.

His words were plainly heard in the damp and unpleasant underground den where Haakon sat shivering. He looked at Kark, the thrall, whose face showed that he, too, had heard the promise of reward.

“What ails you?” asked the earl. “Your face changes from pale to dark and gloomy. Do you propose to betray me?”

“No,” said Kark.

“We were born on the same night, and if one of us dies the other will soon follow,” said the earl warningly.

For a long time they sat, listening to the sounds above. At length all grew still and they felt that the night had come. Kark fell asleep, but the earl sat awake, watching him in deep distrust. The slumbering thrall tossed about as if in pain and the earl wakened him, asking of what he had dreamt.

“I dreamed that you and I were on shipboard and that I was at the helm.”

“That means that you rule over both our lives. Therefore, Kark, you must be true and faithful to me, as duty bids you. Better days will soon come to us both and then you shall be richly rewarded.”

Again the thrall fell asleep and again he seemed to dream. The earl woke him again.

“Of what did you dream?” he asked.

“I dreamed that I was at Hlade and that Olaf Tryggvesson put a golden ring around my neck.”

“That means,” said the earl, “that if you seek Olaf he will put a red ring [a ring of blood] around your neck. Beware of him, Kark, and trust in me. Be faithful to me and you will find in me a faithful friend.”

The night dragged slowly on. The earl dared not let himself sleep, but sat staring at Kark, who stared back at him. When morning was near at hand weariness lay so heavily on the earl that he could no longer keep awake. But his sleep was sorely disturbed by the terrors of that dreadful night. He tossed about and screamed out in distress and at length rose on his knees with the horrors of nightmare in his face.

Then Kark, who had all night been meditating treachery, killed him with a thrust of his knife. Cutting off his head, he broke out of the dark den and sought Olaf, with the grisly trophy in his hand.

Olaf heard his story with lowering face. It was not to traitors like this that he had offered reward. In the end, burning with indignation at the base deed, he ordered the thrall’s head to be struck off. Thus Kark’s dream, as interpreted by Haakon, came true. The ring put by Olaf around his neck was not one of gold, but one of blood.

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PinterestIn ancient times Denmark was not a kingdom, but a multitude of small provinces ruled over by warlike chiefs who called themselves kings. It was not until the ninth century that these little king-ships were combined into one kingdom, this being done by a famous chieftain, known by the Danes as Gorm den Gamle, or Gorm the Old. A great warrior he was, a viking of the vikings, and southern Europe felt his heavy hand. A famous story of barbarian life is that of Gorm, which well deserves to be told.

He was the son of a fierce pagan of Norway, Hardegon, who was of royal blood, being a grandson of the half-fabulous Ragnar Lodbrok. A prince with only his sword for kingdom, Hardegon looked around for a piece of land to be won by fighting, and fixed upon Lejre, in the fruitful Danish island of Sjölland, which was just then in a very inviting state for the soldier of fortune. Some time before it had fallen into the hands of a Swedish fortune-seeker named Olaf, who left it to his two sons. These in turn had just been driven out by Siegric, the rightful king, when Hardegon descended upon it and seized it for himself. Dying, he left it to his son Gorm.

It was a small kingdom that Gorm had fallen heir to. A lord’s estate we would call it to-day. But while small in size, it stood high in rank, for it was here that the great sacrifices to Odin, the chief Scandinavian deity, were held, and it was looked upon as one of the most sacred of spots. Hither at Yuletide came the devotees of Odin from all quarters to worship at his shrine, and offer gifts of gold and silver, precious stones and costly robes, to the twelve high priests of whom the king of Lejre was the chief. And every worshipper, whether rich or poor, was expected to bring a horse, a dog, or a cock, these animals being sacred to Odin and sacrificed in large numbers annually at his shrine. In the special nine-year services, people came in great numbers, and it is probable that on these occasions human sacrifices were made, captives taken in war or piratical excursions being saved for this purpose.

As one may see, the king of Lejre had excellent opportunity to acquire wealth, and young Gorm, being brave, clever, and ambitious, used his riches to increase his landed possessions. At least, the Danish historians tell us that he began by buying one bit of land, getting another by barter, seizing on one district, having another given him, and so on. But all this is guess-work, and all we actually know is that Gorm, the son of a poor though nobly-born sea-rover, before his death gained control of all Denmark, then much larger than the Denmark of to-day, and changed the small state with which he began into a powerful kingdom, bringing all the small kings under his sway.

The ambitious chief did not content himself with this. Long before his kingdom was rounded and complete he had become known as one of the most daring and successful of the viking adventurers who in those days made all Europe their prey.

Early in his reign he made a plundering cruise along the shores of the Baltic and joined in a piratical invasion of Russia, penetrating far inward and pillaging as he went. We hear of him again in 882 as one of the chiefs of a daring band which made a conquering raid into Germany, intrenched itself on the river Maas, sallied forth on plundering excursions whose track was marked by ruined fields and burnt homesteads, villages and towns, and even assailed and took Aix-la-Chapelle, one of the chief cities of the empire of Charlemagne and the seat of his tomb. The reckless freebooters stalled their horses in the beautiful chapel in which the great emperor lay buried and stripped from his tomb its gilded and silvered railings and everything of value which the monks had not hidden.

The whole surrounding country was similarly ravaged and desolated by the ruthless heathens, monasteries were burned, monks were killed or captured, and the emperor, Charles the Fat, was boldly defied. When Charles brought against the plunderers an army large enough to devour them, he was afraid to strike a blow against them, and preferred to buy them off with a ransom of two thousand pounds of gold and silver, all he got in return being their promise to be baptized.

Finding that they had a timid foe to deal with, the rapacious Norsemen asked for more, and when they finally took to their ships two hundred transports were needed to carry away their plunder. The cowardly Charles, indeed, was so wrought upon by fear of the pagan Danes that he even passed the incredible law that any one who killed a Norseman should have his eyes put out and in some cases should lose his life.

All this was sure to invite new invasions. A wave of joy passed through the north when the news spread of the poltroonery of the emperor and the vast spoil awaiting the daring hand. Back they came, demanding and receiving new ransom, and in 885 there began a great siege of Paris by forty thousand Danes.

King Gorm was one of the chiefs who took part in this, and when Henry of Neustria, whom the emperor had sent with an army against them, was routed and driven back, it was Gorm who pursued the fugitives into the town of Soissons, where many captives and a great booty were taken.

The dastard emperor again bought them off with money and freedom to ravage Burgundy, Paris being finally rescued by Count Eudes. In 891 they were so thoroughly beaten by King Arnulf, of Germany, that their great leaders fell on the field and only a remnant of the Norsemen escaped alive, the waters of the river Dyle running red with the blood of slain thousands.

Gorm was one of the chiefs who took part in this disastrous battle of Louvaine and was one of the fortunate few who lived to return to their native land. Apparently it was not the last of his expeditions, his wife, Queen Thyra, taking care of the kingdom in his many long absences.

Thyra needed ability and resolution to fitly perform this duty, for those were restless and turbulent times, and the Germans made many incursions into Sleswick and Jutland and turned the borderlands on the Eyder into a desert. This grew so hard to bear that the wise queen devised a plan to prevent it. Gathering a great body of workmen from all parts of Denmark, she set them to building a wall of defense from forty-five to seventy-five feet high and eight miles long, crossing from water to water on the east and west. This great wall, since known as the Dannevirke, took three years to build. There were strong watch-towers at intervals and only one gate, and this was well protected by a wide and deep ditch, crossed by a bridge that could readily be removed.

For ages afterwards the Danes were grateful to Queen Thyra for this splendid wall of defense and sang her praises in their national hymns, while they told wonderful tales of her cleverness in ruling the land while her husband was far away. Fragments of Thyra’s rampart still remain and its remains formed the groundwork of all the later border bulwarks of Denmark.

Queen Thyra, while a worshipper of the northern gods, showed much favor to the Christians and caused some of her children to be signed with the cross. But King Gorm was a fierce pagan and treated his Christian subjects so cruelly that he gained the name of the “Church’s worm,” being regarded as one who was constantly gnawing at the supports of the Church. Henry I. the Fowler, the great German emperor of that age, angry at this treatment of the Christians, sent word to Gorm that it must cease, and when he found that no heed was paid to his words he marched a large army to the Eyder, giving Gorm to understand that he must mend his ways or his kingdom would be overrun.

Gorm evidently feared the loss of his dominion, for from that time on he allowed the Archbishop of Bremen to preach in his dominions and to rebuild the churches which had been destroyed, while he permitted his son Harald, who favored the Christians, to be signed with the cross. But he kept to the faith of his forefathers, as did his son Knud, known as “Dan-Ast,” or the “Danes’-joy.”

The ancient sagas tell us that there was little love between Knud and Harald; and that Gorm, fearing ill results from this, swore an oath that he would put to death any one who attempted to kill his first-born son, or who should even tell him that Knud had died.

While Harald remained at home and aided his mother, Knud was of his father’s fierce spirit and for years attended him on his viking expeditions. On one of these he was drowned, or rather was killed while bathing, by an arrow shot from one of his own ships. Gorm was absent at the time, and Thyra scarcely knew how the news could be told him without incurring the sworn penalty of death.

Finally she put herself and her attendants into deep mourning and hung the chief hall of the palace with the ashy-grey hangings used at the grave-feasts of Northmen of noble birth. Then, seating herself, she awaited Gorm’s return. On entering the hall he was struck by these signs of mourning and by the silence and dejection of the queen, and broke out in an exclamation of dismay:

“My son, Knud, is dead!”

“Thou hast said it, and not I, King Gorm,” was the queen’s reply. The news of the death had thus been conveyed to him without any one incurring the sworn penalty. Soon after that—in 936—King Gorm died, and the throne of Denmark was left to his son Harald, a cruel and crafty man whom many of the people believed to have caused the murder of his brother.

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DNA Gotland, Gutland / Gotland, The Viking Age




A new study based on 297 ancient Scandinavian genomes analysed together with the genomic data of 16,638 present day Scandinavians resolve the complex relations between geography, ancestry, and gene flow in Scandinavia — encompassing the Roman Age, the Viking Age and later periods. A surprising increase of variation during the Viking period indicates that gene flow into Scandinavia was especially intense during this period.

An international study coordinated from Stockholm and Reykjavik investigates the development of the Scandinavian gene pool over the latest 2000 years. In this effort the scientists relied on historic and prehistoric genomes, and from material excavated in Scandinavia. These ancient genomes were compared with genomic data from 16,638 contemporary Scandinavians. As the geographical origin and the datings were known for all these individuals, it was possible to resolve the development of the gene pool to a level never realised previously.

Dr Ricardo Rodríguez Varela at the Centre for Palaeogenetics*, who analysed all the data and extracted some of the ancient DNA used in the study, explains: “With this level of resolution we not only confirm the Viking Age migration. We are also able to trace it to the east Baltic region, the British-Irish Isles and southern Europe. But not all parts of Scandinavia received the same amounts of gene flow from these areas. For example, while British-Irish ancestry became widespread in Scandinavia the eastern-Baltic ancestry mainly reached Gotland and central Sweden.”   Gotland is where the Carruthers DNA was a wide-width match.  Please not that the Scandinavian Countries have a different DNA system than Europe proper.   They are working on combining, but have not succeeded to date.

The gene pool bounced back after the Viking period

Another new discovery in this study was what happened to the gene pool after the Viking period. The scientists were surprised to find that it bounced back in the direction of what it looked like before the Viking period migration.

Professor Anders Götherström at the Centre for Palaeogenetics, who is a senior scientist on the study, is intrigued: “Interestingly, the non-local ancestry peaks during the Viking period while being lower before and after. The drop in current levels of external ancestry suggests that the Viking-period migrants got less children, or somehow contributed proportionally less to the gene pool than the people who were already in Scandinavia.”

Viking Attack on Paris c.885

Yet a new discovery was the history of the northern Scandinavian gene pool. There is a genetic component in northern Scandinavia that is rare in central and western Europe, and the scientists were able to track this component in northern Scandinavia through the latest 1000 years.

Dr Ricardo Rodríguez Varela comments, “We suspected that there was a chronology to the northern Scandinavian gene pool, and it did indeed prove that a more recent influx of Uralic ancestry into Scandinavia define much of the northern gene pool. But if it is recent, it is comparatively so. For example, we know that this Uralic ancestry was present in northern Scandinavia as early as during the late Viking period.”

Based on well-known Swedish archaeological sites

The study is based on a number of well-known Swedish archaeological sites. For example, there are genomes from the 17th century warship Kronan, from the Viking and Vendel period boat burials in the lake Mälaren Valley, and from the migration period ring fortress Sandby borg on Öland.

Early Depiction of Ragnarok

Anders Götherström conclude: “We were working on a number of smaller studies on different archaeological sites. And at some point it just made sense to combine them into a larger study on the development of the Scandinavian gene pool.

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The study, published today in Cell, is an international effort with several collaborators, but it was led by Dr Ricardo Rodríguez Varela and Professor Anders Götherstörm at Stockholm University, and Professor Agnar Helgason, and Kristján Moore at deCODE in Reykavijk.

*The Centre for Palaeogenetics (CPG) is a joint venture between Stockholm University and the Swedish Museum of Natural History.

Source:Stockholm University. “DNA from archaeological remains shows that immigration to Scandinavia was exceptional during the Viking period.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 5 January 2023. <>.





Archaeologists located in Denmark recently discovered to their amazement the remains of a Vikings hall that would have been used at the height of the late Viking age between the ninth and eleventh centuries. The structure measures hundred-thirty feet long and twenty-six to thirty-two feet wide.

The hall’s structure includes a round of ten to twelve rectangular oak posts which are designed to hold up the roof securely. Researchers suspect the structure is larger than the average house of the time because it was a very prestigious building. This kind of hall usually had been owned by someone wealthy, powerful, and prominent. The building is remarkably intact.

“This is the largest Viking Age find of this nature in more than ten years, and we have not seen anything like it before here in North Jutland, even though it has only been partially excavated,” archaeologist and excavation leader Thomas Rune Knudsen said in recent statements. “We only had the opportunity to excavate part of the hall, but there are probably several houses hidden under the mulch to the east. A hall building of this nature rarely stands alone,” He adds detailing that there is still a lot of work ahead to unlock all the history it can reveal.

Researchers from the Historical Museum of Northern Jutland uncovered remains of the structure near Hune, a village in northern Denmark. This is the rarest and biggest building of its size found in more than a decade. The teams say that the structure dates to the era of Denmark’s king Harald Blåtand Gormsson, ( CARRUTHERS ANCESTOR) after whom modern Bluetooth technology was named.

The architecture of the hall corresponds to the style of castles constructed during Blåtand’s reign. Archaeologists suspect the land on which the hall was erected may have belonged to a well-known nobleman, conceivably Runulv den Rådsnilde whose name is inscribed on a local rune stone.

“It is difficult to prove that the found Viking hall belonged to the family of Runulv den Rådsnilde, but it is certainly a possibility,” said Knudsen. “If nothing else, the rune stone and hall represent the same social class and both belong to society’s elite.”

According to the archaeologist team who have been hard at work excavating part of the hall, this structure likely played a monumental role in the day-to-day agricultural functions and served as a place for Viking guild get-togethers that would have been responsible for political meetings. They are certain also that there are several houses hidden under the mulch to the east that connects to the main hall believing this discovery is only starting.

An artist’s impression of Harald “Bluetooth” Blåtand and the rune, which archaeologists believe may show a link between the hall and an area nobleman.

Radiocarbon dating will be used to determine the precise time period the building was actively used. This will occur as the team starts the second half of the hall excavation next year. Researchers from the team have confirmed that plans are already being prepared to remove a section of turf in order to get an exact and accurate idea of when the structure’s main hall was built.

The replica Viking hall located at Borghyden heights in Norway is a perfect example of how this hall might have looked like during the Late Viking era. According to the Lofotr Museum, a major joint Nordic excavation project was carried out in Borghøyden heights which discovered “a chieftain’s seat from the early Iron Age.” Buried and hidden among the ancient buildings.

Sarah Kuta, a correspondent for the Smithsonian writes how important this kind of discovery. “The seafaring Vikings inhabited many places from the 9th to the 11th centuries, including mainland Europe, Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, Greenland, North America, the Faroe Islands and beyond. Archaeologists continue to find traces of their history, including swords, jewelry, longhouses, and coins.”

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Dr Patricia Carrothers  CHS

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Dani, Switheudi, Thuringi and Aesirs

Dani, Switheudi, Thuringi and Aser

Dani, Switheudi, Thuringi and Aesirs were in all probability four groups of related people, who originally came from Asia, few in numbers.

At Tryggevælde Å (river) near Himlingøje, Valløby and Varpelev in Eastern Sjælland a number of large burial mounds have been excavated and many objects that differ significantly from the contemporary Iron Age culture’s other findings have been found. In addition, mound funerals had not been seen in Scandinavia since the first half of the Bronze Age; they were a marked break in tradition. These mounds are dated to around 200 AD, and one may assume that the represent Dani. One can imagine that they first arrived in Scania and drove the Heruls away from there. That could have taken place around 200 – 300 AD or even later.

Noble men and women have for generations been buried in large burial mounds at the Tryggevælde River with treasures such as unique silver cups, neck rings, pearl necklaces, game pieces and Roman-made cups and glass drinking horns and much more – but no weapons. Around the mounds have been found their servants and service people in more modest graves – with few or no grave goods.

Women's tomb from Himlingøje from around 200 AD. In front of the woman are seen gold jewelry and her long necklace

Women’s tomb from Himlingøje from around 200 AD found in 1949 and exhibited in the National Museum. In front of the woman are seen her gold jewelry and a long necklace with different colored beads. – Photo: Kulturjagt i Køge Bugt.

There have been noted a striking similarity between the graves at the Tryggevælde River and graves and grave goods in Thuringen and southern Saxony from the same time. It is also suggested that the Danish -lev in village names is connected to -leben in village names in Thuringen. It’s pretty likely that Dani and Thuringi were related people.

If Switheudi and Dani were of the same descent, and Dani and Thuringi were closely related peoples so all three people have been related. It is somewhat unsatisfactory for this theory that Jordanes also mentions Sweans, which are of a different race. The author has no certain knowledge, but he believes that Switheudi and Sweans are identical.

Ynglinga Saga says: “Sveigde became king after his father. He made the promise to search for Gudehjem (Gods’ Home – English: Gotham) and Odin the Old. He traveled with 12 men widely around the world; he came to Turkland and Great Svitjod and found there many kinsmen. On this journey he was away for five years, then he came back and stayed home for a while. He was out in Vanaheim and got a wife, who was named Vana; their son was named Vanlande.”

Findings from Fyn compared to
finds from Thuringen

Findings from Haagerup on the island of Fyn (1) compared with findings from Leuna in Thuringen (2). In the gold finger ring from Haagerup sits an onyx stone, and in the ring from Leuna sits a carnelian, but both are adorned with a Mercury motif. The Funen on is of Roman origin, while the South Germany one is producing outside the Roman Empire. Other examples of similarities include silver spoons, glasses and silver bowls. – From Gyldendals og Politikkens Danmarks Historie 2 by Lotte Hedager.

In Old Uppsala in Sweden, there are three large burial mounds and several smaller mounds from the Late Iron Age of similar size, as the mounds at the Tryggevælde river originally must have been. Two of the large mounds contained very rich cremations graves with royal power symbols from the 500s AD.

The Eastern mound contained a 12-year-old boy and a woman; the boy’s equipment included a warrior helmet, a gold decorated single-edged sword and a bronze mirror. In the West mound, there were a man and a woman; the man’s equipment included among other things a warrior helmet decorated with carved stones, a double-edged sword with gold hilt and probably a scepter. Following Snorri Sturlason the Ynglinge lineage was the royal family of the Svears, and Old Uppsala was their burial ground.

But as the Swedish mounds are from around the year 500 AD and the Danish are from around the year 200 AD it sounds unlikely that the Dani descended from Swedes, as it is said. One has to expect that ancestors lived before descendants.

Reconstruction of grave at Valløby south of Koege

Reconstruction of a grave at Valløby south of Køge. The deceased is a man, who is laid to rest with a rich equipment of silver goblets, glass and bronze vessels. The excavation in the 1800’s showed that the grave had been covered by a stone surrounded mound, as shown on the drawing over the existing mound with a dashed line. Drawing by Magnus Petersen 1873.

Snorri says in the introduction to Ynglinge Saga that “in the land east of the Tanakvisl (River Don) lay a castle, called Asgård. The chief of the castle was called Odin, and it was a great offer place for the Gods. Odin was a great army man, who travelled far around and won himself many kingdoms.” – “But because Odin was visionary and skilled in magic, he knew that his descendants should live and build in the Northern part of the world. Therefore he set his brothers Ve and Vilje in charge Asgård, but himself departed with all his dianes (?) with him and many other people. First, he headed west to Gardarige (Russia) and then south to Saxland; He had many sons, he won himself a kingdom over much of Saxland and set his sons to rule the country. So he headed against north to the sea and settled on an island, it is now called Odinsoye on Fyn,” which must be Odense, which city also has Odin’s name.

The burial mounds in Gamla Uppsala

The mounds in Gamla Uppsala – Photo Wikipedia.

There is no direct intelligence to that the Asia men, who settled on the island of Fyn, were related to Switheudi, Dani and Thuringi. But Snorri lets Odin continue to Sweden, where he became the Ynglinge lineage’s actual ancestor, and that is suggesting that there was a relation.

Game pieces of bone found in a man's grave in Varpelev from the end of the 200's

Game pieces of bone found in a man’s grave in Varpelev near Køge from the end of the 200’s – Photo: Kulturjagt i Køge Bugt.

It’s all quite speculative, but one can think that Thuringi means descendants after Thor, Thornings, so to say, in the same way as the Ynglings were descendants after Yngve. Snorre lists Odin’s ancestors in his preface to the Edda: “His famous ancestor was Thror, whom we call Thor, his son was Loridi, his son was Ejnridi, his son Vingethor, his son Vingener, his son Moda, his son Magni, his son Seskef, his son Bedvig, his son Atra, his son Itrmann, his son Heremod, his son Skjaldun called Skjold (shield), his son Bjaf, his son Jat, his son Gudolf, his son Finn, his son Frallaf and he had the son Vodin who was Odin.” Which must mean that Odin and his men, who settled on the island of Fyn, also regarded themselves as descendants of Thor, which one can think that Thuringi and probably Dani and Switheudi also did.

Dolichocephalic woman skull from Varpelev Stevns

Dolichocephalic woman skull from Varpelev Stevns. From “Danmarks Oldtid” by Johannes Brøndsted.

Many skeletons in graves in Denmark from precisely about 200-300 AD show that the deceased were quite tall and long skulled. Thus, one of the deceased in Himlingøje had been close to 180 cm tall. The historian Palle Lauring wrote about Dani’s ethnic characteristics: “The striking many dolichocephalic skulls in the graves have been associated with the coming of the Danes, and it is worth to emphasize that the particularly long-headed appearance pretty quickly disappear from the graves again and is replaced by roughly the same situation as before. It is distinctive upper-class tombs, and we must not forget that precisely with the Danes’ conquest of the land it is about their upper class, that is a very narrow group of bloodlines, perhaps only a few families, who probably have been so inter-married that a common appearance can be understood.”

Two silver cups from Valløby at Tryggevælde

Two silver cups from Valløby at Tryggevælde Å on Stevns. This is not Roman style, the cup’s design must represent a culture that Dani had with them when they came – from Asia. Photo:

Snorri’s preface to the Edda tells us why this characteristics appearance rather quickly disappeared again: “The Aesirs took wives there in the country; some married their sons with local women. All these blood-lines were so numerous that they spread all around in Sax-land and all the northern countries, so that their, the Asian men’s, tongue became the real language of these countries. Thereof, as their ancestors’ names are recorded, it is thought that it can be believed that these names have followed with this tongue and that the Aesirs have brought them with them to the northern countries, to Norway and Sweden, to Denmark and Sax-land.” – Snorre exaggerates undoubtedly the Aesirs’ linguistic influence, as Scandinavian and German still today are Germanic language, resembling Gothic, but it is most likely true that the Aesir’s have made an important contribution to the Nordic countries’ language.

Thuringia quickly was conquered by the Franks. Gregory of Tours tells how: “So he (King Theodoric) summoned the Franks, and said to them: “Be angry, I beg of you, both because of my wrong and because of the death of your kinsmen, and recollect that the Thuringi once made a violent attack upon our kinsmen and inflicted much harm on them. And they gave hostages and were willing to conclude peace with them, but the Thuringi slew the hostages with various tortures, and made an attack upon our kinsmen, took away all their property, and hung youths by the sinews of their thighs to trees, and cruelly killed more than two hundred maidens, tying them by their arms to the necks of horses, which were then headed in opposite directions, and being started by a very sharp goad tore the maidens to pieces.”

The Uppaakra beaker

The Uppaakra cup from Uppaakra south of Lund in Scania. The cup is 165 mm. high. It is decorated with six relief band of gold in Nordic animal ornamentation style I. It is believed that the decoration on the cup is a further development of the decorations on the cups found at Tryggevælde on Sjælland. Photo: Bengt Almgren, Lund.

“And others were stretched out upon the city streets and stakes were planted in the ground, and they caused loaded wagons to pass over them, and having broken their bones they gave them to dogs and birds for food. And now Hermenfred has deceived me in what he promised and refuses to perform it at all. Behold, we have a plain word. Let us go with God’s aid against them.” They heard this and were angry at such a wrong, and with heart and mind they attacked Thuringia.”

But Thuringi did not follow the contemporary rules of fair warfare: “And the Thuringi prepared stratagems against the coming of the Franks. For they dug pits in the plain where the fight was to take place and covering the openings with thick turf they made it seem a level plain. So when they began to fight, many of the Frankish horsemen fell into these pits and it was a great obstacle to them.”

But the Franks won as always: “When finally the Thuringi saw that they were being fiercely cut to pieces and when their king Hermenfred had taken to flight, they turned their backs and came to the stream Unstrut. And there such a slaughter of the Thuringi took place that the bed of the stream was filled with heaps of corpses, and the Franks crossed upon them as if on a bridge to the further shore. After the victory was won they took possession of that country and brought it under their control.”

Grave gifts found in a
woman's grave at Kirkebakken in the village Aarslev on Fyn

Selection of grave goods found in a woman’s grave woman’s grave at Kirkebakken in the village Aarslev on Fyn about 1820. In addition to several bronze dishes, bronze buckets and silver spoons the dead woman got several unique pieces of jewelry to the grave, including seven pendants with lion masks pressed in gold, semiprecious stones and clothes pins of silver. It’s interesting that they knew this animal, lion. From Gyldendal og Politikkens Danmarkshistorie 2.

In Ynglinge Saga we get some information about Switheudi’s or Swear’s culture: “Odin made it law in his countries, which previously had been law among the Aesirs. Thus he ordered that they should burn all the dead and carry their belongings into the fire with them, he said that so much fortune should each one come to Valhal with, which he had got with him on the pyre, and what he himself had dug into the ground, should also be beneficial for him. The ash they should carry out into the sea or dig into the ground. In remembering of brave men they should build a mound to their memorial, and after all men, who had been menfolk to some degree, they should erect bauta-stones, and this custom was followed long after. By winter-day they should make sacrifices for good year, by midwinter for growth and fertility, but by summer-day only for victory. All over Svitjod people paid tax to Odin, one penny for each nose, but he had to defend the country from strife and unorder and make sacrifices for them to a good year.” – “Odin died from disease in Svitjod, but when he was near death, he let himself mark with spearhead and stated that all men, who died from weapons, should belong to him.”

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The Heruli enjoys a prominent place in the Migration Age history. The name does not occur in the writings of the first two centuries AD, and it neither appears in sagas, Saxo or other Scandinavian sources. However, they are mentioned in the very first lines of the poem Beowulf. One can imagine that bards at the Dani court did not consider it opportune to sing about the country’s former rulers, whom Dani had displaced, and this is the reason for the absence of Heruls in sagas and skaldic verses. The Eddas, on the other hand, strongly emphasize on telling that the Jotuns were the first and the originals.

Wheel cross rock carvings

Most rock carvings with wheel cross in Denmark can be found at Lille Strandbygaard in Nylars on the island of Bornholm.

Jordanes mentions in his description of the peoples on the island of Scandia that Dani expelled Herulos from their settlements – perhaps in Scania, Halland, Blekinge or Sjælland, possibly around 200-300 AD. Procopius says that after a catastrophic defeat to the Longobards a very large part of the Heruli went back to Scandinavia, where they settled on the island of Thule that is the Scandinavian Peninsula “near the Goths” or “opposite the Goths.” Therefore, we believe that the Heruli originally came from Scandinavia, but since they are not mentioned in the Scandinavian historical sources, they must have been known there under a different name.

In fact, the opening lines of “Beowulf” mention King Skjold’s suppression of the “fearsome Herul” and other tribes beyond the “whale-road”:

“Listen! We – of the Spear-Danes in the days of yore,
of those clan-kings heard of their glory.
how those nobles performed courageous deeds.
Often Scyld, Scef’s son, from enemy hosts
from many peoples seized mead-benches;
and terrorised the fearsome Heruli 
(egsode Eorle) after first he was
found helpless and destitute, he then knew to recompense for that:-
he grew under the clouds, throve in honours,
until to him each of the bordering tribes
beyond the whale-road had to submit,
and yield tribute:- that was a good king!”

However, later in the poem, “Earle” is used in a way that can be understood as a title.

The archaeologist Johannes Brøndsted wondered about the lack of finds from the oldest iron age on Sjælland and in Skåne. Some have suggested that the Bronze Age lasted longer in this part of the country than in Jylland and on Fyn, it being understood that the Bronze Age culture here lasted long into the Iron Age. However, probably so that they largely used weapons of iron.

In Alvismal from the Elder Edda, it is told that the Elves called the sun Fager-wheel (Fager is an old Danish word for beautiful). There are thousands of rock carvings depicting wheel crosses, which we believe are sun symbols that we call wheel-crosses, all of which are carved by the bronze age people. They may have been the Elves or Alfs. Since the Bronze-culture probably existed for a longer time on Sjælland and in Scania than in the rest of the country, we can believe that the Heruls at the beginning of the Roman Iron Age was known as Elves or Alfs, and they were expelled by Dani.

One can also look into it so that Elves are the only names label from the Scandinavian mythology, which is vacant, besides from Jats and dwarfs, and thus speculatively attach them to the Heruls in Scandinavia.

Single-edged sword adorned with a wheel cross.

Single-edged sword from Lynghøjgaard in Salling adorned with a wheel cross. Foto Danmarks Oldtid by Johannes Brondsted.

Pliny mentions some names of seas, mountains and islands around Scandinavia: Amalchian sea, Morimarusa, Rubeas, Cronian Sea, Baltia; which names they were called according to “the language of these races.” These names do not sound like Gothic or Germanic names. If not the ancient writers explicitly had written that thus they are called on the natives’ own language, we would probably think that they came from Latin. Therefore, we may believe that the language of some of “these races” was a language close to an original Proto-Indo-European language, which reminded of Latin that the Bronze Age people alias Elves alias Heruls may have spoken; and it was in that language that the inner Danish waters was called Codanus.

Ancient sources, including Zosimus and Dexippo, say that Goths and Heluroi from Crimea around the year 200 AD, sailed across the Black Sea and captured the great city of Trebizond, from which they took a big booty and abducted a large number of prisoners. The same fate befell large and splendid cities of Bithynia like Chalcedon and Nicomedia. It is also said that in emperor Gallienus’ reign, 260-268 AD the Goths and Heruls sailed with a large fleet through Bosphorus and Hellespont. They plundered Athens and many other cities. They landed in Greece, where the campaign’s leaders began to quarrel among themselves, and one of the Heruli leaders named Naulobatus, went in Roman service together with all his men. He was very well received of the emperor, who gave him a rank of consul.

Jordanes tells about the Heruli at the shore of the Black Sea around 360 AD: “But though famous for the submission of so many races, he (Hermanaric, king of the Eastern Goths) gave himself no rest until he had slain the majority of the tribe of the Arulos (gentem Erulorum), whose chief was Alaricus, and reduced the rest to his domination. Now the aforesaid race, as the historian Ablabius tells us, dwelt near the Sea of Asov in marshy places, which the Greeks call ele hence they were named Eluri. They were a people swift of foot, and on that account were the more swollen with pride. Indeed, there was at that time no race that would not have chosen from them its light-armed troops for battle. But though their quickness often outmaneuvered others, who frequently engaged in war, yet they were overthrown by the steadiness and slowness of the Goths; and the lot of fortune brought it to pass that they, as well as the other tribes, had to serve Ermanaric, king of the Goths (Gothorum regi Ermanarico). After the slaughter of the Eruli, this same Ermanaric (Ermanaricus) took arms against the Wenethos.”

Illustration in Alvismal

Thor in dialog with the dwarf Alvis. Illustration in Alvismal by W. G. Collingwood.

The author believes that the Goths were a collective term for various groups, which understood each other because of their shared Gothic language and culture. However, if Heruls was simply another Germanic or Gothic migration people, why did the antique sources write “Goths and Heruls”. They could have contented themselves with writing only “Goths”. There must have been qualitative differences between Goths and Heruls, for example, different languages, culture and physical appearance.

In his report on the Vandal War, Procopius listed the Gothic nations: “There were many Gothic nations in earlier times, just as also at the present, but the greatest and most important of all are the Goths, Vandals, Visigoths, and Gepaedes. In ancient times, however, they were named Sauromatae and Melanchlaeni; and there were some too who called these nations Getic.” Procopius was general Belisarius’ secretary through three wars, namely against the Persians, Vandals and Goths, and in all campaigns, Heruls had been part of the Roman army. He must have had quite a good knowledge of Heruls, and when he did not count them among the Gothic nations, so it must have been because they precisely were not Goths.

Sidonius Apollinaris wrote about the Heruls: ” – Here strolls the Herulian with his glaucous cheeks, inhabitant of Ocean’s furthest shore, and of one complexion with its weedy deeps.”

Battle of the Catalaunian Plains

Claus Deleurans Description of the famous battle of the Catalaunian Plains in 451 AD. From “Danmarkshistorie for Folket”.

The Heruli fought with Attila in the battle on the Catalaunian Plains in 451 AD. After Attila’s death and the showdown with his sons in the Battle of Nedao in 454 AD, they tore free from the Huns. They established their own kingdom and joined Odoacer in Italy. Odovacar was a Sciri, who was commander of the imperial troops, who deposed the last Western Roman Emperor, Romulus Augustulus, in 476 AD.

Jordanes tells about the confrontation with the Huns by the river Nedao: “For then, I think, must have occurred a most remarkable spectacle, where one might see the Goth fighting with pikes, the Gepides raging with his sword, the Rugians breaking off missiles in his own wound, the Swevian as foot soldier, the Hun taking the initiative with his bow, the Alan forming a of heavy battle line, the Erulum one of light armor.”

Paul the Deacon tells that Heruli was part of Odovacar army in Italy: ” – Odoacar then, having collected together the nations, which were subject to his sovereignty, that is the Turcilingi and the Heroli and the portion of the Rugii he already possessed and also the peoples of Italy, came into Rugiland and fought with the Rugii.”

Further, Paul tells in his Historia Langobardorum that the Herulian king was called Rotholf. The king’s brother visited the Longobards to negotiate a peace. After completing the mission he was about to return home, but was invited to a glass of wine by a Longobard Princess, who, however, looked down at him because he was rather small: ” – and because he was small in stature, the girl looked down upon him in contemptuous pride and uttered against him mocking words.” She arranged that her servants killed the little man with a spear from behind through a window, while he drank wine.

The last stand of Rolf Krake and his household troops

The last stand of Rolf Krake and his household troops. Hrodwulf, Rudolf, Rudolf and Rodolphus appear as names of Herulian kings, so it is tempting to believe that Rolf was a traditional Herulian king’s name, like we today have Frederik and Christian as traditional Danish King names. The philologist Niels Lukman suggested in 1943 that Rolf Krake could have been a Herulian king named Rodulf. The legend of Rolf Krake thus becomes a kind of Scandinavian King Arthur legend. Drawing by Louis Moe.

King Rudolf sent his hardened veterans against the Longobards. Paulus tells: “The Heroli were indeed at that time well trained in martial exercises, and already very famous for their many victories. And either to fight more freely or to show their contempt for a wound inflicted by the enemy, they fought naked, covering only the shameful things of the body.” King Rudolf himself did not participate in the fight; he awaited the outcome of the battle in the shade of a tree, as he felt sure of Herulian victory. Too late, he was told that the Longobards had progress, and he fell along with the greater part of his army. Paul tells only that the King’s brother was small in stature, but that sort of things runs in the family, so the king himself has probably not been a giant. A Herulian king, who left his people and sought refuge in Constantinople, was also called Rodolphus, indicating that it has been a traditional name for Herulian kings. This brings to mind the Scandinavian legend of Rolf Krake, who also was small in stature.

Paulus Diaconus continued: “- And now from that time all the courage of the Heroli so decayed that thereafter they had no king over them in any way.”

The Danish scholar Niels Lukman suggested in his doctoral thesis in 1943 that Rolf Krake could have been a Herulian king named Rodulf. The legend of Rolf Krake thus becomes a kind of Scandinavian King Arthur legend, loved by bards.

Emperor Justinian and his entourage as mosaic in the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna

Emperor Justinian and his entourage as mosaic in the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna. The bearded gentleman by the emperor’s right hand is believed to be Procopius’ superior, General Belisarius. He was in charge of the Justinian attempts to recapture the Western Roman Empire. The man at the Emperor’s left is thought to be the eunuch Narses, who succeeded Belisarius as commander in Italy. Photo Wikipedia.

As General Belisarius secretary Procopius participated in the Eastern Roman Empire’s war against the Persians in 531 AD, against the Vandals in 532 AD, and against the Goths in Italy 535 AD. He wrote a very descriptive report on the course of the wars. Along with many other barbaric peoples, the Heruls were part of the imperial army in all three wars, and Procopius mentions them many times.

Before an important battle in the Persian war, he says: “The extremity of the left straight trench which joined the cross trench, as far as the hill which rises here, was held by Bouzes with a large force of horsemen and by Pharas the Erulian with three hundred of his nation.” Apparently, the Heruls here were light infantry supporting the cavalry. Procopius uses the term “his nation”, indicating that Heruls really were a people, a race, with their own culture and most likely own language.

Before the battle the following day Pharas got a creative idea: “Then Pharas came before Belisarius and Hermogenes, and said: “It does not seem to me that I shall do the enemy any great harm if I remain here with the Eruli; but if we conceal ourselves on this slope, and then, when the Persians have begun the fight, if we climb up by this hill and suddenly come upon their rear, shooting from behind them, we shall in all probability do them the greatest harm.”

Which they did: “But first the three hundred Eruli under Pharas from the high ground got in the rear of the enemy and made a wonderful display of valorous deeds against all of them and especially the Cadiseni.”

Heruls was only one of many barbarous people in the Roman army. About preparations for another battle it is said: “And he arranged the soldiers as follows. On either side of the tent were Thracians and Illyrians, with Goths beyond them, and next to these Eruli, and finally Vandals and Moors. And their line extended for a great distance over the plain.”

Procopius and Belisarius

Painting depicting Procopius and Belisarius. Perhaps it is the artist’s idea that Procopius is the elderly bearded man, but the author believes that Procopius was a young man, eager but a little naive, when he followed the armies and wrote his reports. Only a young man could have had the physique to work as a war correspondent for so long time. Unknown artist – from

In a battle, the Heruls became too eager and pushed too far forward: “And then Narses urged his men forward and pressed still harder upon the enemy, and the rest of the Romans joined in the action. But all of a sudden the men who were in ambush, as has been said, came out from the cabins along the narrow alleys, and killed some of the Eruli, falling unexpectedly upon them” – “And the Persians, shooting into great masses of the enemy in the narrow alleys, killed a large number without difficulty, and particularly of the Eruli who had at the first fallen upon the enemy with Narses and were fighting for the most part without protection. For the Eruli have neither helmet nor corselet nor any other protective armour, except a shield and a thick jacket, which they gird about them before they enter a struggle. And indeed the Erulian slaves go into battle without even a shield, and when they prove themselves brave men in war, then their masters permit them to protect themselves in battle with shields. Such is the custom of the Eruli.”

In 532 AD the so-called Nika revolt against Emperor Justinian broke out in Constantinople. Procopius says that thousands of rebels had gathered in the Hippodrome to crown a new emperor. They were all cut down by professional soldiers under the command of the generals Belisarius and Moundos. Belisarius was followed by his lifeguard, which included Thracian Goths, and the Gepide prince Moundos “had some Eroulian barbarians with him.” The two generals attacked the poorly armed crowd from each end of the Hippodrome and cut them down indiscriminately. It was the bloodiest revolt ever in Constantinople, some historians assume that up to 30,000 to 35,000 people lost their lives before the rebellion was quelled.

The Heruls also participated in the Roman emperor’s following war against the Vandals in North Africa: “And there followed with them also four hundred Eruli, whom Pharas led.”

Romans and Procopius did not have great expectations of the Heruli, but Pharas was a positive surprise by the capture of the Vandal king, Gelimer: ” – and so he chose out soldiers, with Pharas as their leader, and set them to maintain the siege of the mountain. Now this Pharas was energetic and thoroughly serious and upright in every way, although he was an Erulian by birth. And for an Erulian not to give himself over to treachery and drunkenness, but to strive after uprightness, is no easy matter and merits abundant praise. But not only was it Pharas, who maintained orderly conduct, but also all the Erulians who followed him. This Pharas, then, Belisarius commanded to establish himself at the foot of the mountain during the winter season and to keep close guard, so that it would neither be possible for Gelimer to leave the mountain nor for any supplies to be brought in to him. And Pharas acted accordingly.”

Emperor Constantine is monitoring that Arian heretics are forced to burn their books

Emperor Constantine is monitoring that Arian heretics are forced to burn their books. From MS CLXV, Biblioteca Capitolare, Vercelli, 9th century. – Wikimedia Commons.

Emperor Justinian was a very devout Catholic and allowed no deviations in the Christian faith, and this was a contributing factor to a mutiny among the Roman troops after the victory over the Vandals: “In the Roman army there were, as it happened, not less than one thousand soldiers of the Arian faith; and the most of these were barbarians, some of these being of the Erulia nation.” Maybe it was especially the Heruli, who were Arian Christians.

In Procopius’ section on the Gothic war, Heruls are first mentioned somewhat late in the war. Maybe there was Heruls in Belisarius’ army from the beginning, but we do not hear much about them. But in the army, which the emperor sent 538 AD led by Narses there was a large group: “And about two thousand of the Erulian nation also followed him, commanded by Visandus and Aluith and Phanitheus.”

Procopius tells about Narses’ attack on Caesena (Cesena), in which Heruls participated: “But since the barbarians defended themselves manfully, many fell in the fight and among them Phanitheus, the leader of the Eruli”.

“Now as to who in the world the Eruli are, and how they entered into alliance with the Romans, I shall forthwith explain.” Procopius wrote in “History of the Wars – Book XIV”:

“They used to dwell beyond the Ister River from of old, worshipping a great host of gods, whom it seemed to them holy to appease even by human sacrifices. And they observed many customs which were not in accord with those of other men. For they were not permitted to live either when they grew old or when they fell sick, but as soon as one of them was overtaken by old age or by sickness, it became necessary for him to ask his relatives to remove him from the world as quickly as possible. And these relatives would pile up a quantity of wood to a great height and lay the man on top of the wood, and then they would send one of the Eruli, but not a relative of the man, to his side with a dagger; for it was not lawful for a kinsman to be his slayer. And when the slayer of their relative had returned, they would straightway burn the whole pile of wood, beginning at the edges. And after the fire had ceased, they would immediately collect the bones and bury them in the earth. And when a man of the Eruli died, it was necessary for his wife, if she laid claim to virtue and wished to leave a fair name behind her, to die not long afterward beside the tomb of her husband by hanging herself with a rope. And if she did not do this, the result was that she was in ill repute thereafter and an offence to the relatives of her husband. Such were the customs observed by the Eruli in ancient times.”

Burned spot grave

Burned spot grave at Storup on the island of Mors. The digging spoon gives an idea of the size. Burned spot grave appears that after cremation, the survivors scraped the burned bones and the remains of the fire together in a hole in the ground, and covered it. If this has been the burial custom in eastern Denmark in the early Iron Age it will explain the striking emptiness of finds of graves on Sjælland and Skåne. In cultivated areas, where farmers have sown and plowed through more than a millennium since then, such graves must have been made completely invisible. – Excavated by Mors Arkæologisk Forening.

Such burial method would only leave some very simple cremation graves that it would be almost impossible to find after one and a half thousand years; and this may explain the emptiness of finds of graves in Sjælland and Scania from the early Iron Age.

We must believe that Procopius had his information from the newly arrived Heruls themselves. Maybe because they recently had converted to Christianity, they seem to have had a rather critical, almost ironic attitude to their own pagan past: “But as time went on they became superior to all the barbarians who dwelt about them both in power and in numbers, and, as was natural, they attacked and vanquished them severally and kept plundering their possessions by force. And finally they made the Lombards, who were Christians, together with several other nations, subject and tributary to themselves, though the barbarians of that region were not accustomed to that sort of thing; but the Eruli were led to take this course by love of money and a lawless spirit. When, however, Anastasius took over the Roman empire, the Eruli, having no longer anyone in the world whom they could assail, laid down their arms and remained quiet, and they observed peace in this way for a space of three years. But the people themselves, being exceedingly vexed, began to abuse their leader Rodolphus without restraint, and going to him constantly they called him cowardly and effeminate, and railed at him in a most unruly manner, taunting him with certain other names besides. And Rodolphus, being quite unable to bear the insult, marched against the Lombards, who were doing no wrong, without charging against them any fault or alleging any violation of their agreement, but bringing upon them a war which had no real cause.”

The holy Maximus being hung by Heruls

The holy priest and martyr Maximus and more than 50 colleagues are being hung in Salzburg in modern Austria by Heruls under King Odovacer perhaps around 480 AD. Odovacer was an Arian Christian, but it is said that he rarely intervened in religious matters, but maybe he did a few times – Engraving from 1716 in the “Bavaria Sancta”.

The following battle was a catastrophic defeat for the Heruli.

“For this reason, the Eruli were no longer able to tarry in their ancestral homes, but departing from there as quickly as possible they kept moving forward, traversing the whole country which is beyond the Ister River, together with their wives and children. But when they reached a land where the Rogi dwelt of old, a people who had joined the Gothic host and gone to Italy, they settled in that place. But since they were pressed by famine, because they were in a barren land, they removed from there not long afterward, and came to a place close to the country of the Gepaedes.”

“And at first the Gepaedes permitted them to dwell there and be neighbours to them since they came as suppliants. But afterwards for no good reason, the Gepaedes began to practise unholy deeds upon them. For they violated their women and seized their cattle and other property, and abstained from no wickedness whatever, and finally began an unjust attack upon them. And the Eruli, unable to bear all this any longer, crossed the Ister River and decided to live as neighbours to the Romans in that region”.

The holy Maximus being hung by Heruls

The 55 martyrs from Salzburg killed by Heruls under King Odovacer perhaps around 480 AD – Engraving from 1716 in the “Bavaria Sancta.

First of the emperor greeted them welcome, but before long it came to fighting between Heruls and Romans: “But when Justinian took over the empire, he bestowed upon them good lands and other possessions, and thus completely succeeded in winning their friendship and persuaded them all to become Christians.” We remember that Heruls took part in the Arian mutiny in Belisairus’ army in Africa, so some Heruls were Arians. But Justinian was fanatical Catholic and must have converted them to Catholic Christianity. There may have been religious divisions among Heruli, such that some were Catholics, and others were Arians and this can have contributed to their final disappearance as a people.

Procopius was very fascinated by the stories of the midnight sun and the dark winter on the island of Thule (Scandinavian peninsula), which shows that he was an inquisitive and curious young man: “And although I was eager to go to this island and become an eye-witness of the things I have told, no opportunity ever presented itself. However, I made enquiry from those who come to us from the island as to how in the world they are able to reckon the length of the days since the sun never rises nor sets there at the appointed times. And they gave me an account which is true and trustworthy.”

The Scandinavian soldiers told Procopius on the Nordic Christmas: “When, however, the time of the nights arrives, they always take note of the courses of the moon and stars and thus reckon the measure of the days. And when a time amounting to thirty-five days has passed in this long night, certain men are sent to the summits of the mountains for this is the custom among them and when they are able from that point barely to see the sun, they bring back word to the people below that within five days the sun will shine upon them. And the whole population celebrates a festival at the good news, and that too in the darkness. And this is the greatest festival, which the natives of Thule have.”

Wheel cross petroglyphs which looks like a wheel

Wheel cross petroglyphs which very much looks like a wheel with four spokes from Fossum in Skien – Photo Telemark Fylkeskommune.

Forty days of darkness will place them well north of the Arctic Circle, and it is not likely that others than scattered hunters and reindeer herders lived there in the Iron Age. There must have been some, who made a little fun with Procopius. But the story says nevertheless that there were men in the army, which were believed to have come from Scandinavia. In the Bronze Age religion, which probably originally also had been the Heruli’s, played the Sun a big role, and we celebrate still Christmas (“jul” in Danish, which is similar to “hjul”, which means wheel) so many years later.

But we notice that it is not a midwinter festival, which they describe, as darkness lasts 40 days, and after 35 days they will watch for the sun, which will be in the middle of January, and only then comes the festival, which one must assume took place late January. It brings to mind the Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, which takes place in late January or early February.

The whole long and detailed report on the nature and the people on the island of Thule in connection with his report on Heruls indicates that at least some Heruls really came from Scandinavia – though he did not write it directly and unambiguously.


The man at the emperor’s right side on a mosaic in the Church of San Vitale in Ravenna are thought to be Belisarius. He was Procopius’ superior through three wars. In all of these Heruls were part of the army. He is believed to have been born in 505 AD in modern Bulgaria in a family with Gothic roots. As early as 527 AD, when he was in his early twenties, he was appointed as army commander in Syria in the war against the Persians. His success in many campaigns aroused the emperor’s jealousy, and he was withdrawn from the war in Italy in 540 A.D. and later replaced by the eunuch Narses.

Procopius was also a somewhat simple-minded young man, who in good faith wrote down, what Heruli’s enemies had to say about them: “They are still, however, faithless toward them (the Romans), and since they are given to avarice, they are eager to do violence to their neighbours, feeling no shame at such conduct. And they mate in an unholy manner, especially men with asses, and they are the basest of all men and utterly abandoned rascals.” Maybe it was a contribution from his superior, Belisarius, who did not like Heruls.

Procopius says that when the Emperor heard what the Goths had done in Milan – namely destroyed the city, killed all the men and given the women to the Burgundians – he pulled Narses back from Italy and made Belisarius commander: “But the Eruli seeing that Narses was departing from Italy, refused to remain there any longer, although Belisarius promised that they would receive many benefits from both himself and from the emperor, if they remained; but they all packed up their luggage and withdrew going first to Liguria. There they happened upon the army of Uraias, and they sold all the slaves and all the animals they were taking with them to the enemy and , having thus acquired a great amount of money, they took an oath that they would never array themselves Goths or do battle with them. Thus they made their withdrawal in peace and came into the land of the Veneti. But upon meeting Vitalius there, they forthwith began to repent of the wrong they had done the emperor Justinian. And seeking to clear themselves of the charge against them, they left there Visandus, one of their commanders, with his forces, but all the rest betook themselves to Byzantium under the leadership of Aluith and Philemuth, the latter having taken the command after Phanitheus was killed at Caesena.”

But things went badly for the remaining Heruls in Italy: “While the other commanders were remaining quiet on account of this situation (the arrival of imperial tax collectors) Vitalius alone (for he happened to have in Venetia a numerous army comprising with others a great throng of barbarian Eruli) had the courage to do battle with Ildibadus, fearing, as actually happened, that at a later time, when his power had grown greatly they would be no longer able to check him. But in the fierce battle, which took place near the city of Tarbesium (Treviso) Vitalius was badly defeated and fled saving some few men, but losing the most of them there. In this battle, many Eruli fell and among them, Visamdus, the leader of the Eruli, was killed.”

The Heruls lived in the Balkans near the town of modern Belgrade: “Other towns of Dacia also, about the city of Singidunum (Belgrad) had been taken over by the Eruli as a gift from the emperor, and here they are settled at present time, overrunning and plundering Illyricum and the Thracian towns very generally. Some of them have even become Roman soldiers serving among the foederati, as they are called. So whenever envoys of the of the Eruli are sent to Byzantium, representing the very men, who are plundering Roman subjects, they collect all their contribution from the emperor without the least difficulty and carry them off home.”

The emperor sent Narses to the Heruls again to recruit them for the war in Italy: “The emperor also sent Narses the eunuch to the rulers of the Eruli, in order to persuade most of them to march to Italy. And many of the Eruli followed him, commanded by Philemuth and certain others, and they came with him into the land of Thrace. – And it so fell out during this journey they unexpectedly rendered a great service to the Romans. for a great throng of barbarians Schlaveni, had, as it happened, recently crossed the river Ister, plundering the adjoining county and enslaved a very great number of Romans. Now the Eruli suddenly came upon these barbarians and joined battle with them, and, although far outnumbered, they unexpectedly defeated them, and some they slew, and the captives they released one and all to go to their homes.”

Procopius also tells the story of how the Heruls killed their king and sent word to Scandinavia for a new one “The Eruli, displaying their beastly and fanatical character against their own “rex,” one Ochus by name, suddenly killed the man for no good reason at all, laying against him no other charge than that they wished to be without a king thereafter. And yet even before this, while their king did have the title, he had practically no advantage over any private citizen. But all claimed the right to sit with him and eat with him, and whoever wished insulted him without restraint; for no men in the world are less bound by convention or more unstable than the Eruli. Now when the evil deed had been accomplished, they were immediately repentant. For they said that they were not able to live without a ruler and without a general; so after much deliberation, it seemed to them best in every way to summon one of their royal family from the island of Thule. And the reason for this I shall now explain.”


The man at the Emperor’s left side on the mosaic in San Vitale in Ravenna is thought to be the eunuch Narses, who in 551 AD arrived in Italy at the head of the largest army, the Emperor ever had sent against the Goths, he was reportedly about 80 years old, but still sound of mind. The army included a large group Heruls. However, the man in the picture does not look like an eighty-years-old.

Procopius took up the thread again after the description of the island of Thule: “On the present occasion, therefore, the Eruli who dwelt among the Romans, after the murder of their king had been perpetrated by them, sent some of their notables to the island of Thule to search out and bring back whomsoever they were able to find there of the royal blood. And when these men reached the island, they found many there of the royal blood, but they selected the one man who pleased them most and set out with him on the return journey. But this man fell sick and died when he had come to the country of the Dani. These men, therefore, went a second time to the island and secured another man, Datius by name. And he was followed by his brother Aordus and two hundred youths of the Eruli in Thule. But since much time passed while they were absent on this journey, it occurred to the Eruli in the neighbourhood of Singidunum that they were not consulting their own interests in importing a leader from Thule against the wishes of the Emperor Justinian. They, therefore, sent envoys to Byzantium, begging the emperor to send them a ruler of his own choice. And he straightway sent them one of the Eruli who had long been sojourning in Byzantium, Suartuas by name. At first, the Eruli welcomed him and did obeisance to him and rendered the customary obedience to his commands; but not many days later a messenger arrived with the tidings that the men from the island of Thule were near at hand. And Suartuas commanded them to go out to meet those men, his intention being to destroy them, and the Eruli, approving his purpose, immediately went with him. But when the two forces were one day’s journey distant from each other, the king’s men all abandoned him at night and went over of their own accord to the newcomers, while he himself took to flight and set out unattended for Byzantium. Thereupon the emperor earnestly undertook with all his power to restore him to his office, and the Eruli, fearing the power of the Romans, decided to submit themselves to the Gepaedes. This, then, was the cause of the revolt of the Eruli”

In the following fighting, it seems like Heruls fought against Heruls: “They (the Romans) also took with them as allies fifteen hundred Eruli, commanded by Philemuth and others. For except for these the whole nation of the Eruli to the number of three thousand were arrayed with the Gepaedes, since they had revolted against the Romans not long before.”

“Now a detachment of the Romans, who were marching to join the Lombards as allies, unexpectedly chanced upon some of the Eruli with Aordus, the brother of their ruler. And a fierce battle ensued in which the Romans were victorious, and they slew both Aordus and many of the Eruli.”

Claus Deleuran's depiction of
the last Herul in history

Claus Deleuran’s depiction of the last Herul in history. I do not know from where he has it.

Some Roman units, which included Heruls, under general John rested on the laurels at a place called Lucania in Italy after an easy victory over a group of Goths. They failed to keep effective guard and were overrun in a subsequent nightly Gothic counter-attack: “And once outside the camp they ran up into the mountains, many of which rise close by, and thus were saved. Among these were John himself and Arufus, the leader of the Eruli. Of the Romans about a hundred perished.”

The emperor sent one army after another against the Goths in Italy, including a platoon Heruls under Verus: “Later he (the emperor) sent Verus with three hundred Eruli, and Varazes an Armenian by birth, and he recalled from his post Valerian, the general of Armenia, and ordered him to go to Italy with his attendants spearmen and guards, who numbered more than a thousand. Now Verus was the first to put in at Dryus, and he left his ships there, being quite unwilling to remain in that place, where John’s army was and went forward on horseback with his command. for this man was not of a serious temper, but he was utterly addicted to the disease of drunkenness, and consequently, he was always possessed by a spirit of reckless daring. And when they had come close to the city of Brundisium, they made camp and remained there.”

“And when Totila learned this, he said: “Verus has one of two things, either a powerful army or a very silly head. Let us proceed against him instantly, that either we must make trial of the man’s army, or that he may realize his own silliness”. So Totila with these words marched against him with a numerous army; and the Eruli, spying the enemy already at hand, took refuge in a wood, which was close by. And the enemy surrounded them and killed more than two hundred, and was about to lay hands on Verus himself and the rest of the force, who were hiding among the thorn-bushes, but fortune came to their aid and saved them unexpectedly. For the ships, in which Varazes and the Armenians under him were sailing, suddenly put up on the shore there. Now when Totila saw this, supposing the hostile army to be more numerous, than it really was, he immediately set out and marched away from there, while Verus and his men were glad to reach their ships on the run.”

One of the last times in history, we hear about Heruls was when they fought on the Roman side in the decisive battle of the Gothic war in Italy, which was the battle of Gualdo Tadino in 552 AD, also known as the Battle of the Gallic tombstones. It was between the Roman army under Narses and the Goths under their young king, Totila “Three thousand Heruls fought on horseback under Philemuth, their own chief, and the noble Aratus”; on the Roman side fought also 5,000 Langobards and 400 gepids, it is said.

Gibbons tells about the Heruls, who around 553 AD appeared in written history; I do not know, from where he got it: “The vanguard of the Roman army was stationed near Po, under the leadership of Fulkaris, a brave Herul, who hastily thought that personal bravery was a commander’s only duty and qualification. When he without order or caution marched along the Aemilian Road, suddenly, an ambush of Franks broke forward from Parma amphitheater, his troops were surprised and driven away, but their leader refused to flee stating in the last minute that death was less horrible than meeting Narses’ anger.”

The battle between Arovist and Caesar

The battle between Caesar and Ariovist in the video “1-5 Germanic Tribes 1 – Barbarians Against Romans”, showing that the Germans attacked in wedge-formations. It is stated that Arovist’s Germans attacked in seven spear-head formations – in Germanic tradition called “svinefylkning”. Though, it can not be confirmed by Caesar’s “War in Gaul”, which simply states: ” – and the enemy stormed forward so suddenly and quickly that there was no time to throw spears at them. They, (the Romans) therefore, threw their spears away, and fought with swords in melee.” – perhaps it is mentioned in another source.

John Bagnell Bury confirms that there could be reasons for Heruls to fear Narses: “The course of the battle of Capua 554 AD was affected by an accident. One of the Herul captains killed his servant for some delinquency, and when Narses called him to account, he asserted that masters had the power of life and death over their slaves and that he would do the same thing again. He was put to death by the command of Narses, to the great indignation of the Heruls, who withdrew from the camp and said they would not fight. Narses drew up his line of battle without them.”

It sounds like Narses made a Cannae on the Franks, showing the limitation of the wedge-formation: “Meanwhile, two Heruls had deserted to the enemy, and persuaded Buccelin that his chance was to attack at once, as the Romans were in consternation at the defection of the Herul troops. Buccelin had drawn up his army, which consisted entirely of infantry, in the shape of a deep column, which should penetrate like a wedge through the hostile lines. In this array, the Franks arrived, armed with missile lances, swords, and axes, confident that they would sweep all before them at the first rush. They penetrated into the central space which was to have been occupied by the Heruls, dislodging the outer ranks of the Roman infantry on either side. Narses quietly issued orders to his wings to face about, and the enemy was caught between the crossfire of the cavalry, who were all armed with bows.” – “Their ranks were gradually mown down, and then Sindual and his Heruls appeared upon the scene.”

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By the end of Procopius’ Book VI on the Gothic War in Italy, he loses interest in the war and writes instead about the Heruli, who was part of Belisarius’ army. He recounts among other things a decisive battle between Heruls and Langobards, which took place north of the Danube – possibly quite far north:

The Langobards' migrations

Reconstruction of the Langobards’ migrations – Langobards had given name to the region around Milan, Lombardy – Paul the Deacon mentions that the Lombards came from Scandia, but elsewhere he writes that they were not so numerous, because they came from only a small island, and this does not fit with Scandia. – Wikimedia Commons.

“And when the two armies came close to one another, it so happened that the sky above the Lombards was obscured by a sort of cloud, black and very thick, but above the Eruli it was exceedingly clear. And judging by this one would have supposed that the Eruli were entering the conflict to their own harm; for there can be no more forbidding portent than this for barbarians as they go into battle. However, the Eruli gave no heed even to this, but in absolute disregard of it, they advanced against their enemy with utter contempt, estimating the outcome of the war by mere superiority of numbers. But when the battle came to close quarters, many of the Eruli perished and Rodolphus himself also perished, and the rest fled at full speed, forgetting all their courage. And since their enemy followed them up, the most of them fell on the field of battle and only a few succeeded in saving themselves.”

“When the Eruli, being defeated by the Lombards in the above-mentioned battle, migrated from their ancestral homes, some of them, as has been told by me above, made their home in the country of Illyricum, but the rest were averse to crossing the Ister River, but settled at the very extremity of the world; at any rate, these men, led by many of the royal blood, traversed all the nations of the Sclaveni one after the other, and after next crossing a large tract of barren country, they came to the Varni, as they are called. After these, they passed by the nations of the Dani, without suffering violence at the hands of the barbarians there. Coming thence to the ocean, they took to the sea, and putting in at Thule, remained there on the island.”

Procopius was Belisarius’ secretary through three wars: against the Persians in Syria, against the Vandals in Africa and against the Goths in Italy. In all three wars, Heruls had been part of the Roman army. We must believe that Procopius had a very intimate relationship with them and that he had his information from the Heruli themselves. It is assumed that he published his reports on Emperor Justinian’s wars around 550 AD in Constantinople.

It is known from the Gothic chancellor Cassiodorus’ letters that the Goths in Italy tried to create an alliance with the Heruli, Thuringi and Varni against the Franks. Since he does not mention the Saxons, that we otherwise would expect, we must believe that Varni was an early name for the Saxons. We can imagine that the Saxons originally were called Varni and later got their name from their favorite weapon, the short single-edged sword, the sax; in the same way as the Langobards originally were called Vinil, but later was named after their favorite weapon, the long ax, langobard – bard as in the Danish name for halberd, hellebard.

Germanic tribes after Taticus

Reconstruction of the Germanic tribes following Tacitus. He did not create any map himself, but many writers have sought to place the tribes on a map following his description. As it can be seen Jutland and North West Germany are somewhat crowded at the expense of other areas. Tacitus mentions Varini after Anglii, and that is probably an error by Tacitus, who had all information on second hand. Varini must be the Saxons. From “The Spoils of Victory. The North in the Shadow of the Roman Empire”. Edited by L. Jorgensen, B. Storgaard and L.G. Thomsen. Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen.

In that case, the Herulian travel party had followed the Rhine or more likely the Elbe, crossed “a large distance of barren land”, perhaps Luneburger Heide, then traveled through the land of the Varni that most likely was Saxony, and from there through “the nations of the Dani” – notice that they are in plural – which must have been Jutland. Then they crossed the sea and landed in Thule, which is the Scandinavian Peninsula. As they traveled through Jutland through several of the Danes’ nations, we must believe that they traveled a good distance up in Jutland, before they sailed over to Halland and Scania.

The earliest mention of Varni is by Tacitus in “Germania”, in which he wrote: “Then follows in sequence and Reudignians, Aviones and Angles and Varinians and Eudoses and Suardones and Nuithones; all defended by rivers or forests.” This means that the Varinians were neighbors to the Angles, which fits very well with the idea that they were a kind early Saxons and lived south of the “the nations of the Dani”. Alternatively, it is suggested that Varni lived at the river Warnow and the city of Warnemünde, it would then lead to that the returning Heruls sailed from northern Germany to perhaps Blekinge and Scania, and that they not – as reported – “passed by the nations of the Dani” before they “took to the sea, and putting in at Thule”.

Coin with a portrait of Odovacar issued in Ravenna in 477 AD

Coin with a portrait of Odovacar issued in Ravenna in 477 AD. He has a mustache following barbaric custom and maybe hair done up in a pillow. He was in all probability a Scirii, a Gothic-speaking people, but Consularia Italica calls him King of Heruli. Consularia Italica is a collection of documents published by Theodore Mommsen in 1892. Other sources claim he was of Gothic origin. But Heruls constituted a large part of his men, and he was Rex Italia, therefore he was actually King of Heruli, though he himself was not a Herul. Moreover, Scirii was a kind of Goths, and as Odovacar was a Scirii, one can also say that he was a Goth. Thus, all statements are true. Odovacar deposed the last Western Roman emperor, Romulus Augustulus, in 476 AD. Jordanes wrote about Odovacar: “Now that Augustus was appointed emperor in Ravenna by his father Orestes, it did not last long before Odoacer, King of Torcilingi (Thuringi), invaded Italy, as leader of Sciri, Heruli and allies of various races” – Photo Wikipedia.

In Procopius’ report on the Heruls, they assure him several times that they lived in their original homeland when they fought their destiny battle against the Longobards. They did not tell Procopius that they originated from Scandia or another island, as Jordanes says. However, the term “passed the nations of the Dani, without suffering violence at the hands of the barbarians there” reveals, however, a somewhat tense relationship with the Danes, which suggests that Jordanes was right. Perhaps it was too humiliating for them to admit to Procopius that they two times had been expelled.

Following Paul the Deacon, the Rugi who lived north of the Danube opposite the Roman province Noricum, were defeated by Odoacer, who reigned in Italy. This happened 487-88 AD. He says that the victor led the Rugians away in large quantities, and the Longobards moved into the now almost uninhabited Rugiland, which must have been northern Austria, some believe Moravia. Here they were attacked by the Heruli, who, however, lost the fateful battle that followed, so that they were forced to leave their own country, as they told Procopius. This battle must most likely have taken place around the year 500 AD – and according to Paul in an area immediately north of the Danube.

As previously explained, it is likely that some Heruls were expelled from Scandinavia by Dani maybe around 200-300 AD The returning Heruls thus came back through “the nations of the Dani” 200-300 years after they had been expelled the first time.

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Jordanes on Herulos and Dani

In Constantinople around 550 AD, both Jordanes and Procopius wrote on Dani in Scandinavia. Jordanes wrote in Latin, and Procopius wrote in Greek.

Jordanes told about the tribes on the island of Scandia in the Northern Ocean: “In the northern part of the island the race of the Halogians (AlogiR) live – There are the Scrithifinni – But still another race dwells there, the Sweans, who, like the Thuringi have splendid horses – Then comes a throng of various nations”.

The tribes on the island of Scandia following Jordanes

The tribes on the island of Scandia following Jordanes – rather randomly placed by the author. We can place Halogi, Scrithfinni, Finn Haith and Finni Mitissimi north according to their names. Sweans and Switheudi around the lake Malern – as we believe that they are Swedes. Gautigoths and Ostrogoths in the Gota countries. Dani in Scania and some people with names, which remind of modern Norwegian place names, Raumarici and Agadii as good as possible in Norway. The rest I have placed rather randomly.

Later following Jordanes: “Switheudi, cogniti in hac gente reliquis corpore eminentiores: quamvis et Dani, ex ipsorum stirpe progressi, Erulos propriis sedibus expulerunt (quibus non ante multos annos Hrodwulf rex fuit, qui contempto proprio regno ad Theodorici Gothorum regis gremium convolavit et, ut desiderabat, invenit),-“ which in Theedrich Yeat’s translation to English sounds: “The Switheudi are of this stock and excel the rest in stature. However, the Dani, who trace their origin to the same stock, drove from their homes the Erulos, who claim to be predominant among all the nations of Scandia because of their tallness and over whom Hrodwulf was king not many years ago. But he despised his own kingdom and fled to the embrace of Theodorici, king of the Goths, finding there what he desired.”

“This stock” must refer to “other race” above, “Sweans, who like Thuringi have splendid horses”; and Dani, “who trace their origin to the same stock”, had an especially tall body height – which Switheudi too had – and probably Thuringi, whom they are connected to. Apparently, Jordanes simply meant that Switheudi and Dani had common ancestry, which was different from the Halogian’s, Goth’s and Finn’s descent.

To get the connection to Thuringi with the splendid horses, we must believe that Sweans and Switheudi are the same people.

The Latin is somewhat unclear, and it has been argued that it can also mean that the Heruli expelled the Danes from their settlements. But since Heruls are not mentioned in any Scandinavian historical sources and Danes are known to have inhabited these regions since then, we must believe that the sentence means that Dani expelled Herulos.

Dolichocephalic man skull from Vester Egesborg on Stevns on Sjælland

Dolichocephalic man skull from Vester Egesborg on Stevns on Sjælland from Roman Iron Age- From Danmarks Oldtid by Johannes Brøndsted.

It is also not clear whether it was Dani or Herulos, who claimed sovereignty because of their body height, but as skeletons from Denmark from this time rather suddenly indicate fairly large body size, one must assume that it was Dani, who were the tall ones; Moreover, Jordanes tells that the Dani were of the same descent as Switheudi, who were tall – so it is natural that the Dani also were.

It is also unclear, whether Hrodwulf was king of Herulos or Dani, but the royal name Rodulf is later repeatedly associated with Heruls, so we must believe that he was king of Herulos.

It is not directly mentioned, where the Heruli settlements were located; but as Jordanes explicitly is talking about the inhabitants of the island of Scandia, that is the Scandinavian Peninsula, we must believe that the Heruli or some of them originally lived in Skåne, Halland or Blekinge and was expelled from there.

Jordanes also does not tell, when this expulsion took place.

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Danes, Heruls, Angles and Jutes


Saxo Grammaticus starts “Saxonis Grammatici Historia Danica” with: “Dan and Angel, Humble’s sons, from whom the Danish originate, was our people’s founders, although the French chronicle-writer Dudo will know that the Danes descend from the Greeks or, as they are also called, the Danas, and got their name from them.”

Saxo Grammaticus by Louis Moe

Saxo Grammaticus by Louis Moe.

This is probably not absolutely true but shows Saxo’s purpose of his work, namely, to create a history of Denmark that could unite the nation by creating or strengthening a common Danish identity.

Jordanes wrote that Dani expelled Herulos from their settlements, which we must believe, lay in Denmark. The Heruls are mentioned by many ancient writers, but they are not found in any written sources from Scandinavia, neither at Snorre, Saxo or in other sagas, old English poems or in any other handed down histories.

It must, therefore, be assumed that they were known in Scandinavia under a different name. Nobody knows for sure, who they were, and there is ample room for guesses and speculations. But it is tempting to think that they were the direct descendants of the dominating people in the old Bronze Age culture that still held out on Sjælland and in Skåne, until they were expelled by Dani. The Danish archaeologist Johannes Brøndsted noted that Sjælland and neighboring islands are strikingly poor in finds from the oldest Iron Age, it is as if the bronze age here continued yet another time, he argued.


 Dana meant River or Estuary

Many believe that “danu” is an ancient proto-Indo-European word for river.

The Romans used mostly the Greek Ister for Danube, but Tacitus wrote Danubius. Pliny wrote: “Magnum est stare in Danubii ripa” meaning: “It’s magnificent to stand on the banks of the Danube”. In English and French, the river is still called Danube.

The river Dana through Klaipeda in Lithuania.

The river Dana through Klaipeda in Lithuania. Photo

In “The saga of Hervarar and King Heidrek” the Gothic capital is called Arheimar and is located at the Danpar river that is the Dnieper, which was also called Danapris or Danaper of Greeks and Romans. Dniester was in ancient times called Danastius or Danaster.

In the description of a Sclaweni people, the Antes, who lived in southern Ukraine between the rivers Dniestr and Dniepr, Jordanes calls the two rivers respectively Danastro and Danaprum (a Danastro extenduntur usque the Danaprum).

The river Don is called Tanais, among others by Strabo, and thus it is called also in Heimskringla by Snorre. Procopius tells that the Po River in northern Italy was called either Po or Eridanos. The French river Rhone is called Rodanus by several ancient writers, for example in “Historia Langobardorum” by Paul the Deacon, where we hear about some marauding Saxons, who came to the Rodanus river.

The river that runs through Klaipeda in Lithuania is called simply Dana, and is said that there are six rivers in the UK, called Don. It is also said that on Jacob Langebek’s maps from around 1755 the river Eider is called Døne.

Relief on Trajan's Column depicting the god Danubius

A relief on Trajan’s Column depicting the god Danubius watching Roman legionaries – Wikipedia.

Plinius (23-79 AC) wrote in Naturalis Historia: “There is the extremely great mountains Saevo not inferior to the high crags of Riphaeus, which make up a very large gulf called Codanus as far as to the Cimbrians’ Promontory, and it is full of islands, of which the most well known is Scandinavia, the magnitude whereof is not yet discovered.” At about the same time Pomponius Mela (died around 45 AD) wrote on Codanus Sinus and Codannovia, which was a large island in Codanus Sinus. Most assume that “sinus” means bay.

The same Pliny the Elder wrote: “Pytheas says that Gutones, a people in Germania, inhabits the banks of an estuary of the ocean called Mentonomon.” As the Goths really lived in southern Scandinavia, we must believe that he thought that the Danish straits and the Baltic Sea was a large estuary.

An estuary in the ocean called Mentonomon

Pytheas says that the Gutones, a people in Germania, inhabits the banks of an estuary of the ocean called Mentonomon. Their territory extends over a distance of six thousand stadia (about 1.100 kilometers). From Wikipedia.

At first glance, we imagine that Codanus most likely was Latin, because it sounds Latin and Pliny and Mela wrote in Latin; but it is not. An online Latin-Danish dictionary gives the answer that Codan means “in Danish”, and it was probably not the intention.

It’s pretty likely that Codanus was the name of the inner Danish waters understood as a river or estuary in an original proto Indo-European language, like Eridanos, Rodanos and all the other river names that can be traced back to the term “dana” for “river” in an original language that probably was spoken from southern Russia to France and Scandinavia, most likely dating back to the Bronze Age. When Pliny and Mela wrote that the bay or estuary is called Codanus, then it was not a Latin name that they had given it, but more likely it was, what the inhabitants of the area called it themselves.

The ending -us in Codanhus is a mere gender- and casus-suffix.

Indo-European languages

It is assumed that the Indo-European languages originate from an original proto Indo-European language. From Site for Language Management in Canada.

Many believe that Lithuanian is the modern language that is most close to an original Proto-Indo-European language. Lithuanians add -as to men’s names to indicate that this person is a man, quite like the Romans added -us to men’s names, like in Julius, Crassus, Augustus and so on.

I remember a former colleague, who strived to learn Lithuanian; he thought it was not so difficult, because many words recall corresponding Danish words.

But when dana, danu, dan, danos or danus meant river, what meant then “Co-“?

We recognize co- in many modern words denoting collaboration or cooperation between several agents, for example, company, coordinate, corporation – Codanus could then have meant something like “cooperating rivers”, which is not a bad description of the three Danish straits, which spew brackish water into the Western Ocean.

A traditional interpretation of Pliny's place names

A traditional interpretation of Pliny’s place names.

In the “Naturalis Historia” section on the Baltic Sea, Southern Scandinavia and the North Sea, Pliny the Elder gives additional examples of names that may have originated in an original proto Indo-European language that was spoken in these parts of the World: “The rest of these coasts are only known in detail by reports of doubtful authority. To the north is the ocean; beyond the river Parapanisus, where it washes the coast of Scythia. Hecataeus calls it the Amalchian Sea, a name that in the language of the natives means “frozen”; Philemon says that the Cimbrian name for it is Morimarusa (that is “Dead Sea”) from the Parapanisus to Cape Rusbeae, and from that point onward the Cronian Sea. Xenophon of Lampsacus reports that three days’ sail from the Scythian coast there is an island of enormous size called Balcia; Pytheas gives its name as Basilia. Also, some islands called the Oeonae are reported of which the inhabitants live on birds’ eggs and oats.” These names are not Latin names, which the Romans have given islands and seas, but names that the people of these regions used themselves. Apart from “Oeonae” which recalls the Danish “ø” meaning island, they do not remind of Gothic or Germanic names.

Saxo wrote: “Dudo will know that the Danes descend from the Greeks or, as they also are called the Danas, and got their name from them.” But Greece reminds geographically on Denmark since it consists of a peninsula and numerous islands, where in between are flowing streams of less salty water from the many rivers that flow into the Black Sea; therefore, the country’s inhabitants were in a remote antiquity also called Danas in an original Indo-European language.

Homer called the Greeks for Danaans or Danai. When the Greeks had left the walls of Troy and left behind their wooden horse, the priest Laocoon said: “I fear Dana’ans, even those who bring gifts.”


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