The Viking Age, Uncategorized


Clan Carruthers Int Society CCIS                                PROMPTUS ET FIDELIS


Viking treasure hoard 1,000 years old discovered in Scotland


Objects found in Galloway, Carruthersland,  field include a silver brooch from Ireland and silk from around modern-day Istanbul


The items date from the ninth and 10th centuries


The first images have been released of Viking treasure buried in a Scottish field for more than 1,000 years.

The objects were found inside a pot unearthed in Galloway and include rare items such as a silver brooch from Ireland and silk from around modern-day Istanbul as well as gold and crystal.

The items date from the ninth and 10th centuries, and are part of a wider hoard of about 100 pieces, which experts say is the most important Viking discovery in Scotland for more than a century.

The findings were part of a wider hoard of around 100 pieces


Richard Welander, of Historic Environment Scotland, said: “Before removing the objects we took the rather unusual measure of having the pot CT-scanned, in order that we could get a rough idea of what was in there and best-plan the delicate extraction process. That exercise offered us a tantalising glimpse but didn’t prepare me for what was to come.

“These stunning objects provide us with an unparalleled insight to what was going on in the minds of the Vikings in Galloway all those years ago.

The Treasure Trove unit will now assess the value of the items


“They tell us about the sensibilities of the time, reveal displays of regal rivalries and some of the objects even betray an underlying sense of humour, which the Vikings aren’t always renowned for.”

The items, found by metal detectorist Derek McClennan in September 2014, are now with the Treasure Trove Unit, which is responsible for assessing the value of the hoard on behalf of the Office of Queen’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer.

Experts say the hoard is the most important Viking discovery in Scotland for a century 

The hoard will then be offered for allocation to Scottish museums, with Mr McClennan eligible for the market value of the find – a cost that will be met by the successful museum. The hoard will then be offered for allocation to Scottish museums, with Mr McClennan eligible for the market value of the find – a cost that will be met by the successful museum.


Preserving Our Past, Recording Our Present, Informing Our Future

Ancient and Honorable Clan Carruthes Int Society CCIS  LLc     


Crest on Light Bluers



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The Viking Age, Uncategorized


Clan Carruthers Int Society CCIS                            PROMPTUS ET FIDELIS






 Dublinia is a historical recreation (or living history) museum and visitor attraction in Dublin, Ireland, focusing on the Viking and Medieval history of the city. Dublinia is located in a part of Dublin’s Christ Church Cathedral, known as the Synod hall.

Dublinia features historical reenactment, with actors playing the roles of Vikings and Medieval Dubliners (in full costume) and encourages visitors to join in. It has recreations of Viking and Medieval era buildings (houses, etc) and street scenes.

The exhibition was opened in 1993, and was redeveloped in 2010 at a cost of €2 million. The museum attracts over 125,000 visitors per annum.

Dublinia, located at the crossroads of the medieval city at Christchurch, is where Viking and Medieval history is brought to life.

There are four exciting exhibitions at Dublinia:

Viking Dublin

In the Viking Dublin exhibition, take a trip back to Viking times. What was life really like on board a Viking warship? See the weaponry and the skills of being a Viking warrior. Try on Viking clothes, become a slave and stroll down a noisy street. Visit a smokey and cramped Viking house. Learn of the myths and the mysteries surrounding the Vikings and their legacy. Also, new to Dublinia, find out what really happened during the Battle for Clontarf and the eventual decline of Viking power in Dublin.

Medieval Dublin

Visit the Medieval Dublin exhibition and witness the sights, sounds and smells of this busy city. Learn about crime and punishment, death and disease and even toothache remedies of 700 years ago. Enjoy the spicy aromas and so much more in the medieval fair – learn to play medieval games, visit a rich merchant’s kitchen and walk along a bustling medieval street.

History Hunters

See how archaeologists dig deep to uncover Dublin’s past in the History Hunters exhibition. Find out how archaeology works with history and other sciences to piece together the jigsaws of the Dubliners’ ancestors’ lives. See Viking and medieval artefacts including a medieval skeleton (courtesy of the National Museum of Ireland). Visit the lab and learn how bugs and dirt can be the history hunter’s gold. See how the past has influenced who you are today. Finally, see how people are influenced by the Viking and medieval era in today’s books, movies, fashion and architecture.

St Michael’s Tower

Lastly, visit St Michael’s Tower – an original medieval tower with a 96-step climb to the top, where you can see spectacular views of the city. Learn all about the history of the tower and the surrounding parish in the new exhibition at the Tower base.

At Dublinia, see Dublin from a new perspective and come away knowing more about its citizens throughout the ages!


Preserving Our Past, Recording Our Present, Informing Our Future

Ancient and Honorable Clan Carruthes Int Society CCIS  LLc     


Crest on Light Bluers


St Michael’s Hill, Christchurch, Dublin 8, Ireland


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